broken Miss-Tic tactic in War (Challenger map - Tier3)

Can you please provide a quick update about this broken tactic?
It has only attack\health boosts but it doesn't have the miss mechanic (while the other tactics have full description)

what we should do? choose a different tactic even though we already placed defenders that have the miss-tic tag?
or will you have it fix until war start?
Please try to answer before war start.
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Jax
It has only attack\health boosts but it doesn't have the miss mechanic (while the other tactics have full description)

what we should do? choose a different tactic even though we already placed defenders that have the miss-tic tag?
or will you have it fix until war start?
Please try to answer before war start.
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Jax
from people we were in tier3 during the current off-season i understand it didn't work at all so again, not just description.
war starts in 35 minutes so again we have a bad start to season... i wonder when we'll have a bug free season
I have word from the dev team that they believe they've found the issue and are working to resolve it quickly!
They weren't able to fix it in time
Any update to this situation? It’s an unfair advantage in a season war - also what is stopping it from occurring all season?
When it'll get fixed?. Our Ally is messy cuz of this.