Platinumpool is back....

Honestly, in kinda an unimpressive way. I probably still will go for his crystals with the gold tokens, but I already have the booty and that really is the best deal there. One of the things I always liked about the introduction of Platinumpool was that he seemed to pop up in unique ways and occasionally as a bonus in another piece of content. This is more down to how I feel about it, and don't get me wrong, I love that he's back, but a super low chance at a random piece plus gambling for units is tough to stack up against a 6* dual class crystal.
For those wondering, last time, my 16 super fabulous crystals netted me two left elbows of the fabulous one and 1,160 units. If I received the exact two pieces I need to form Platinumpool as a 6*, I might count this as a worthy bargain, but my hopes are not that high.
For those wondering, last time, my 16 super fabulous crystals netted me two left elbows of the fabulous one and 1,160 units. If I received the exact two pieces I need to form Platinumpool as a 6*, I might count this as a worthy bargain, but my hopes are not that high.
I also never claimed selectors in the arena rank rewards for those asking…
Unless of course, Kabam doesn't make the same mistake of repeating the pieces in the same way as previous time