Eternity of Pain

Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
Just wanted to say, I usually really enjoy the EOP. I love the elevated rewards and the skill required to achieve them. I will replay tens or hundreds of times to get good and achieve the goal. I feel like I become a better player through what I learn and get a real sense of achievement when I win. I got the maximum Milestone rewards for Throne Breaker last month so I ain't no scrub. This month is well harder against Hercules using just a 5 star She Hulk. She doesn't seem to get any Furies because of the nodes and she doesn't even appear to get any Foresight Furies with Backdraft intercepts... Even when I clear the Concussions. I'm beginning to doubt my ability to the point of quitting like I haven't done before. I don't have Elsa and Tigra ranked up or Hercules. Please consider the average player and those who haven't got multiple rank 3 or rank 4 players in future because I'm no YouTuber. I'm just an average Joe. Without us average players, where will this game be? Expecting a lot of get good comments and stuff or maybe a delete comment. Hopefully it will be a respectful acknowledgement instead or maybe even some tips on how to use She Hulk to get those Furies, avoid those annoying nodes and Debuffs and get a win and make me happy. After all, this is a fun game isn't it?! (Users of Tigra and Elsa and other notable champions of high rank need not reply. Move along, nothing to see).


  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Post your roster?

    People have done it with a 4* tigra so your whine about not having a high rank tigra or elsa is irrelevant, it's the same fight with a lower rank just longer.

    Maybe this week you need to farm some revives and just push through since you don't have versions if optimal counters and high ranks.

    As for she hulk she's not going to work that well since any furies you do manage to gain will drop off most of the time due to the way herc gets power.
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75

  • TheAntiSaintTheAntiSaint Member Posts: 105
    Eternity of pain for a reason ig. But i do agree for the most part
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    Thanks pal. Genuine comment. I got my eyes peeled for shills. Everyone so far has been respectful. Hoping for some more guidance from the grand masters / YouTubers soon. I'll be watching.
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    Thanks Will3808. I like your encouragement! Like Mattstafari and you, I too had problems with Crossbones. I have used Claire and I agree, she really is good, but she doesn't get the Throne Breaker Objectives. Maybe you and Mattstafari can give me some tips on how to use She Hulk to beat Hercules. I would really appreciate that! Please help me as I'm most distressed over this. How do I beat those nodes with She Hulk? Thank you in advance. Really appreciate your help.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,413 Guardian
    Kriya3000 said:

    After posting my comment, I can't access EOP. I wonder why? Is the game down just for me?

    Nope, a bunch of quests disappeared from the game due to a glitch, and are slowly reappearing in people's game clients after a fix was pushed. If you still don't see monthly EQ or EoP, force close and restart your game client. If this does not fix the issue, wait a little while and try again. It took about 40 minutes for them to reappear for me, after a few restarts.
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    Just one question. How do I backdraft intercept and get a Foresight Fury when I don't have a Concussion and I'm specifically doing what the Foresight description says? I'm obviously doing it wrong as I see others doing it. What do I need to do? If I could get just that one answer, I will try it and persevere to get better. I really hope someone can help me. Thank you everyone.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,949 ★★★★★
    Kriya3000 said:

    Just one question. How do I backdraft intercept and get a Foresight Fury when I don't have a Concussion and I'm specifically doing what the Foresight description says? I'm obviously doing it wrong as I see others doing it. What do I need to do? If I could get just that one answer, I will try it and persevere to get better. I really hope someone can help me. Thank you everyone.

    I was able to get foresight on the majority of my intercepts. I was using medium intercepts while backdrafting if that information helps.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,949 ★★★★★
    Kriya3000 said:

    Thanks Will3808. I like your encouragement! Like Mattstafari and you, I too had problems with Crossbones. I have used Claire and I agree, she really is good, but she doesn't get the Throne Breaker Objectives. Maybe you and Mattstafari can give me some tips on how to use She Hulk to beat Hercules. I would really appreciate that! Please help me as I'm most distressed over this. How do I beat those nodes with She Hulk? Thank you in advance. Really appreciate your help.

    Claire does get the female objective, but not the raw damage one. So she is an option for one of the objectives
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    How about using 4* if you don’t have 5/6*?
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
    Tigra even as a 4* is an easy solo. For the offensive who are your options?

    You need to drop him to remove the concussion.
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  • ShivacruxShivacrux Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Kriya3000 said:

    Just wanted to say, I usually really enjoy the EOP. I love the elevated rewards and the skill required to achieve them. I will replay tens or hundreds of times to get good and achieve the goal. I feel like I become a better player through what I learn and get a real sense of achievement when I win. I got the maximum Milestone rewards for Throne Breaker last month so I ain't no scrub. This month is well harder against Hercules using just a 5 star She Hulk. She doesn't seem to get any Furies because of the nodes and she doesn't even appear to get any Foresight Furies with Backdraft intercepts... Even when I clear the Concussions. I'm beginning to doubt my ability to the point of quitting like I haven't done before. I don't have Elsa and Tigra ranked up or Hercules. Please consider the average player and those who haven't got multiple rank 3 or rank 4 players in future because I'm no YouTuber. I'm just an average Joe. Without us average players, where will this game be? Expecting a lot of get good comments and stuff or maybe a delete comment. Hopefully it will be a respectful acknowledgement instead or maybe even some tips on how to use She Hulk to get those Furies, avoid those annoying nodes and Debuffs and get a win and make me happy. After all, this is a fun game isn't it?! (Users of Tigra and Elsa and other notable champions of high rank need not reply. Move along, nothing to see).

    Wait what ,this has to be done with 6* r3 or 4s
    I have done with 5* r5 Elsa and this is my only first eop
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,810 ★★★★★
    Shivacrux said:

    Wait what ,this has to be done with 6* r3 or 4s
    I have done with 5* r5 Elsa and this is my only first eop

    You can use any * rarity champ as long as you meet the requirements (#raw damage and #female for Thronebreakers). So your completion with Elsa is fine and you did everything you needed to.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    Just got the TB title for the 4/7 sale and only been in the game just over one year. My roster is still kind of thin and feels like I either have to rank up my 6* elsa (from the 4/7 sale) or my 4* tigra to do this. I have barely used either champs and feels like it is a steep learning curve coming up with Hercules (and 4 days left).
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    I've ranked up Elsa as even my rank 1 was far far better than rank 5 She Hulk. I think She Hulk must be bugged for this fight as she wasn't getting Furies hardly ever even with no Concussion and doing Intercepts exactly in the way the Foresight node tells you.
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    I fully completed all Throne Breaker Milestones on the last EOD. I consider that to be pretty good. You lot are missing the point. Read up. I said I didn't want useless "get good" comments. I wanted advice. Nobody has really answered apart from some Kabam employees masquerading as players. Anyway, I'm on the Elsa train now and she is so much better for this.
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  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    edited July 2022
    Yes, I was triggered. If u read up, u will see that on occasion I have written perfectly respectable posts and there are multiple Disagrees. That doesn't seem right? Like when I was asking about Backdraft intercepting with no Concussion and not getting Furies with Foresight. It was a question to get tips and I just got multiple Disagrees. Why would u disagree to a question? Also, u will see that Mattstafari and Will3808 are more than likely the same person as they both have the same sentence structure, both mention Crossbones and both mention getting into the "groove". I may be wrong. It's like this Forum is so strictly controlled to squash anything that does not fit. Anyway, I knew that when I first posted and the purpose was to put this on Kabam's radar that some champs are not working and that as they say makes me angry and gives me an eternity of pain! ;)
  • Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    DNA3000 isn't a kabam employee, he is what's known as a
    Kriya3000 said:

    Thanks DNA3000. How come your text doesn't appear in orange like people from the company? I thought Kabam people show in orange text or is that only the Forum mods? Thanks for the information either way. Puts my mind at rest.

    DNA3000 isn't a Kabam employee, he is what's known as a guardian, one of a specially selected group of very knowledgeable and helpful players that spend a lot of time on here answering questions and generally helping out.
  • Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    Kriya3000 said:

    I fully completed all Throne Breaker Milestones on the last EOD. I consider that to be pretty good. You lot are missing the point. Read up. I said I didn't want useless "get good" comments. I wanted advice. Nobody has really answered apart from some Kabam employees masquerading as players. Anyway, I'm on the Elsa train now and she is so much better for this.

    I understand not wanting people to say get good, but there isn't a magic thing we can say that will allow you to solo. The best I can offer is try doing heavy counters a lot more to remove the concussions or using a champion which is immune to ability accuracy reduction. The concussions reduce ability accuracy (basically change to trigger stuff) so if you have a lot then abilities will fail to trigger frequently, she hulk isn't bugged. Else it is just a fight you need to get a rhythm for. A lot of mcoc is about feel, it's a lot more visceral than a lot of other games, the fight is a mixture of needing a hard counter, to deal with the objectives and a soft counter (how your playing to counter the nodes/champions)
  • Kriya3000Kriya3000 Member Posts: 75
    Thank you.
  • The_man001The_man001 Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Reference said:

    How about using 4* if you don’t have 5/6*?

    The same people who says 5 stars are useless, i dont rank up 5 stars also advices somone to clear eop with 4 stars. Ironic
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