MCOC needs giveaways and twitch streams

As the title says, I believe the game as a whole would majorly benefit if there were giveaways and twitch streams with twitch drops for the game. Here's why I believe this would be beneficial.
1. Twitch is a popular streaming platform and would get more publicity for the game. The more we can get new players to come and stay, the stronger the playerbase will be in general.
2. Having twitch drops and giveaways will improve the public view of the game. Everyone loves getting free things, and I feel like this can be one step closer to mending the gap of mistrust a lot of people in the community have.
3. You can give updates of the state of the game, plans for the buff program, a preview of new buffed champions (so the community can get a taste of the purpose behind each champion buff), explore new content, and you can even have champion spotlights happen on stream. It would be a great way to pass information along to the community while giving summoners a loom at what is coming in the near future.
Now that I've gone over the benefits, I'll go into a little detail of how you can implement this and what the drops could look like.
Once a month towards the end of the month you can have a dev stream where members of the dev team can go over the current state of the game. How are things coming along with the new input system? What are the bugs that the team is aware of and currently trying to fix? Then you can talk about upcoming things for the future. What is the theme of the upcoming Event quest. You can introduce the new side quest and (if possible) do an active run of the new side quest to show how it works. You can give us an idea of what rewards we will receive from it too if you like. You can reveal what champions are buffed. With this reveal you can have the team talk about the purpose behind the buffs that the champions got (here you can outright say we wanted groot to not be a meme anymore so we upped his damage to make him 10% more useful). You can even introduce future events that'll be happening in the contest. If you packed all of that into the stream, you could get a solid 1-3 hours of content in there.
Then you can have 1 or 2 streams during the month to do a spotlight showcase of the new champions in the beginning and middle of the month. (You can combine both and do the stream the day before a champion is released, the day of, or day after they are released). I would recommend doing it at least day of, but YouTubers do a great job of building hype for the champion being used. In these streams you could talk about the process of how the team made the new champion. You can highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and finally you can show gameplay of these new champions. I would recommend having these streams be an hour long. If you wanted, you could invite popular MCOC YouTubers to these champion spotlights to show gameplay that they have made. (Note: the gameplay can be prerecorded footage and they can talk about it while the footage is playing. Alternatively it could be live footage which might be exciting for some.) Again, I wouldn't recommend having these streams be more or less than one hour in length.
Finally, let's talk about the rewards. I think it would be cool if watching the champion spotlights would give a cavalier featured crystal of the new champion. This would be a great incentive to learn about the new champions. The only issue that would occur is if you did only 1 champion spotlight stream of both champions, then you would complicate things to delay the second crystal, but maybe the viewers just get 1 cav featured of the new champion.
During the dev stream you can have a twitch drop every 30 minutes that gives the players a "twitch token". The twitch token can be redeemed via in-game store. This store could be tiered for different progression levels and allows the summoners to get the resources they need. For Thronebreaker and Paragons they can redeem the token for multiple thronebreaker gold crystals (or 10 uncollected gold crystals per thronebreaker gold crystal that would be there), or an iso-8 selector (seriously has to give like 40 bricks of tier 5 iso to be useful), or 2-4 t4cc selectors, or t5cc fragments. I also wouldn't complain if we could get 10 6* generic sig stones from this store.
Cav players can get half of what Thronebreaker+ players get, and you can tune t5cc out or just have less of it.
Uncollected and below can get half of what Cavalier players get.
These stores should also have 5* and 6* shards options in them. A great reference guide would be the battlegrounds store in my personal opinion.
This store in my personal opinion would be quite balanced considering summoners can only get 2-6 tokens if they stay for the whole entire dev stream.
Finally, the easiest thing to implement would be giveaways. Every other week or so in forums, on Twitter, or an official discord you can create something that is like, answer this poll, or comment, or react to this to enter a giveaway for a 6 star nexus crystal. Then you can give 3 random summoners the nexus. You could also do the same for a month of sigil in the game. It would just be a fun little thing for the game.
I seriously hope you will consider implementing this into the game.
1. Twitch is a popular streaming platform and would get more publicity for the game. The more we can get new players to come and stay, the stronger the playerbase will be in general.
2. Having twitch drops and giveaways will improve the public view of the game. Everyone loves getting free things, and I feel like this can be one step closer to mending the gap of mistrust a lot of people in the community have.
3. You can give updates of the state of the game, plans for the buff program, a preview of new buffed champions (so the community can get a taste of the purpose behind each champion buff), explore new content, and you can even have champion spotlights happen on stream. It would be a great way to pass information along to the community while giving summoners a loom at what is coming in the near future.
Now that I've gone over the benefits, I'll go into a little detail of how you can implement this and what the drops could look like.
Once a month towards the end of the month you can have a dev stream where members of the dev team can go over the current state of the game. How are things coming along with the new input system? What are the bugs that the team is aware of and currently trying to fix? Then you can talk about upcoming things for the future. What is the theme of the upcoming Event quest. You can introduce the new side quest and (if possible) do an active run of the new side quest to show how it works. You can give us an idea of what rewards we will receive from it too if you like. You can reveal what champions are buffed. With this reveal you can have the team talk about the purpose behind the buffs that the champions got (here you can outright say we wanted groot to not be a meme anymore so we upped his damage to make him 10% more useful). You can even introduce future events that'll be happening in the contest. If you packed all of that into the stream, you could get a solid 1-3 hours of content in there.
Then you can have 1 or 2 streams during the month to do a spotlight showcase of the new champions in the beginning and middle of the month. (You can combine both and do the stream the day before a champion is released, the day of, or day after they are released). I would recommend doing it at least day of, but YouTubers do a great job of building hype for the champion being used. In these streams you could talk about the process of how the team made the new champion. You can highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and finally you can show gameplay of these new champions. I would recommend having these streams be an hour long. If you wanted, you could invite popular MCOC YouTubers to these champion spotlights to show gameplay that they have made. (Note: the gameplay can be prerecorded footage and they can talk about it while the footage is playing. Alternatively it could be live footage which might be exciting for some.) Again, I wouldn't recommend having these streams be more or less than one hour in length.
Finally, let's talk about the rewards. I think it would be cool if watching the champion spotlights would give a cavalier featured crystal of the new champion. This would be a great incentive to learn about the new champions. The only issue that would occur is if you did only 1 champion spotlight stream of both champions, then you would complicate things to delay the second crystal, but maybe the viewers just get 1 cav featured of the new champion.
During the dev stream you can have a twitch drop every 30 minutes that gives the players a "twitch token". The twitch token can be redeemed via in-game store. This store could be tiered for different progression levels and allows the summoners to get the resources they need. For Thronebreaker and Paragons they can redeem the token for multiple thronebreaker gold crystals (or 10 uncollected gold crystals per thronebreaker gold crystal that would be there), or an iso-8 selector (seriously has to give like 40 bricks of tier 5 iso to be useful), or 2-4 t4cc selectors, or t5cc fragments. I also wouldn't complain if we could get 10 6* generic sig stones from this store.
Cav players can get half of what Thronebreaker+ players get, and you can tune t5cc out or just have less of it.
Uncollected and below can get half of what Cavalier players get.
These stores should also have 5* and 6* shards options in them. A great reference guide would be the battlegrounds store in my personal opinion.
This store in my personal opinion would be quite balanced considering summoners can only get 2-6 tokens if they stay for the whole entire dev stream.
Finally, the easiest thing to implement would be giveaways. Every other week or so in forums, on Twitter, or an official discord you can create something that is like, answer this poll, or comment, or react to this to enter a giveaway for a 6 star nexus crystal. Then you can give 3 random summoners the nexus. You could also do the same for a month of sigil in the game. It would just be a fun little thing for the game.
I seriously hope you will consider implementing this into the game.
By doing this we will have more communication from kabam about upcomings of the game. People have always complained about the lack of communication since the dawn of time. This also allows Kabam and their Content Creators to work together. This would also give is insight into their reasoning behind the buffs implemented into the contest. Instead of just saying a buff is good, I would like to know why they think it is good and have them show the stats to prove that.
The rewards themselves aren't gamebreaking, once a month (if you catch the dev stream) you can get roughly 400k gold per token used (thats about the average of 10 uncollected gold crystals), which you can get only 2-5 in a stream. 400k gold doesn't even cover the tank up cost of a r3 6* champion.
As for the giveaways, when only 3 out of potentially 10,000 participants get something, then it isn't really game breaking to give them a 6* nexus or a month of the sigil. As Blarguarded suggested, kabam could allow their Content Creators to do giveaways of crystals they are holding on to. Honestly I would like to see Content creators be able to do that more than just general giveaways.
This is why I believe this would be helpful for the game, so please let me know why you believe this would ruin the game.
Also you don't have to quote this text, we all know you are talking to me.
Not only that, how many MCOC youtubers actually stream? Not many and none of them have a presence on Twitch. They have established channels on YouTube and YouTube allows for live streaming, so why would any of them switch?
Kabam would then have to program a promo button for your account to link to everything because that doesn't exist in the game currently.
This was something an Ex Kabam employee was pushing and fell on deaf ears. This would have been great to have integrated giveaways with Prime Loot. Or giveaways in general would be cool, but they would best to be incorporated with stream interactive incentives to engage audience and content creator. Like a in game ticker challenge in 1 hour to do X content to get X reward with a code for the audience. Rather than random winner picked or competition 1 winner type setup
I still stream MCOC on the daily on twitch and do enjoy it as it deals with alot of spam accounts and abuse that comes from accounts on Youtube. I do stream on youtube from time to time but i like streaming 3 hours and play 3 games.
Rewards are because 50 - 100 did the task - everyone in chat gets the code, streamer gives out the code for a free reward depending on progression.
Its a cool *get everyone involved style thing* RSL do something similar.
It would be great if Kabam could release a video each month that goes through what's going to happen the next month. Take this month, for example: they show that you get those tokens from a calendar, then show that you go into a quest and try to fight as many champions as you can, and then there's a store. It's not the most complicated quest this month so it's kind of a bad example, but we've had way more complicated side quests in the past where it would have been more valuable.
It would also be a good thing when it comes to the Summ(on)er Pass etc. Just go through it in-game. Show us that we get an objective each day and that it rewards a pair of sunglasses, that rewards event rewards, which rewards token that you can use in a store, and you need to complete three events spread over three months in order to buy everything (with the exception for the biggest rewards, which you can only buy a very limited amount of). It took me so long to get the hang of that event.
As for giveaways and stuff, I'm not sure. I think, if it were to happen, I'd much rather see smaller community-wide rewards for community-wide actions rather than a big reward for a random player. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing community-wide events in-game. It would be kind of cool to have a weekly "Earn X amount of EOP points as a community and get Y reward". Now, obviously EOP isn't the most inclusive even in terms of progression tiers being able to participate, but I'm just using that as an example. It could just as well be tied to arena points or EQ exploration - anything, really.