Battleground scoring

Ladpcw78Ladpcw78 Member Posts: 97
I’m loving Battleground, let me say that to start. Just playing let’s you spend in the store.

But scoring! The idea is to kill the opponent. We get that. But when both opponents are killed then what? This is what is troubling. Suicides/willpower etc play a lot into this. At the end of it the game is about skill so time should be irrelevant. I shouldn’t be penalised for taking for my time (especially with bad AI).

This is what the beta is about but this is exactly what needs to be looked at


  • RedBirdIsSmartRedBirdIsSmart Member Posts: 101
    In monkey terms: monkey that eat banana fast is alpha monkey, that monkey has strat to eat banana faster than other monkey. Other monkey however eat banana slow but still finish banana, he not alpha monkey because in end both monkey finish banana. Just one faster.

    Jokes aside: Although I do agree that skill is an important aspect of a battlegrounds matches, timers are also VERY important. I can imagine if the timer was taken out of BG's there would only be 2 scenarios:

    1. A single fight will take 25 minutes (or would take as long as possible)
    2. Champions such as kingpin, abom, (NETFLIX) daredevil, king groot and other champions that regen will be the new meta attackers.

    BG's currently is in a pretty bad state. Its run by big spenders (who substitute their skill for their wallets), modders (enough said about them) and it has a bajillion bugs (black screens, lag, connection issues ect.). Fortunately the mode is currently still in beta so we can complain about everything and hopefully kabam fixes most of the stuff.
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    Its very hard to be4500
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,286 Guardian
    Time is both a skill and roster thing. Battlegrounds tests out the skills, masteries, and rosters of the players. If you don't have a sasquatch counter, you're in for a hard time, but many champs can take him down mega quick.

    You also can be shafted by RNG of which champs from your deck you get, but that is part of the fun.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    The time is a bit heavily weighted. The lowered health pool with the combination of how heavily time is weighted forces this version of BGs (with no nodes) to become an enhanced Arena. Blitz mode. My strategy has gone from countering picks to finding defenders for me that will waste the opponents time and banning defenders from them that would take me too long.

    I wouldn't say there's no skill, it forces people to intercept, weigh the value of defenders and attackers, there's still some skill involved. But it's not... I'm not really sure how to articulate it. It's different. It's not really about skill in the same sense, it's about blitzing your enemy down.

    But that's the beauty about this being a beta, because I'm pretty confident that when players filled out the survey about the last few BG rounds people made comments about the health pools, the scoring, time vs health, etc... the changes were a direct result of that to try and see how this feels instead of that, etc... Now they may know that people didn't like it too far into the extreme on one side, but also don't really like it on the other side and now they try to find a happy medium. The Goldilocks zone.
  • Ladpcw78Ladpcw78 Member Posts: 97
    edited July 2022
    Maybe the tie break should be based on scores from the 3 overall fights. If you’ve won a fight with almost top score while the opponent barely scored anything you would be in an advantage. Also it would encourage you more if you lost the 2nd fight
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 864 ★★★★
    suspects are still on the leader board.

    Now with real rank rewards... we need anti-cheat stuff working, or we need to be ready to give the top 1000 rewards to top 1500, and top 2500 rewards to top 4000.
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    this guy is completely wrong, time should play a factor, however time is too short now, if the opponent gets a little stingy about throwing specials, u ll probably lose, previous time was better
  • Just_grindingJust_grinding Member Posts: 115
    My biggest frustration is that it’s heavily weighted away from suicides. The latest node is the worst. I can’t use large chunk of my roster unless I want the whole fight to be in unblockable. A few suicide unfriendly paths in act 7 I understand, but it’s ruining this game play mode for me
  • Just_grindingJust_grinding Member Posts: 115
    Pikolu said:

    Time is both a skill and roster thing. Battlegrounds tests out the skills, masteries, and rosters of the players. If you don't have a sasquatch counter, you're in for a hard time, but many champs can take him down mega quick.

    You also can be shafted by RNG of which champs from your deck you get, but that is part of the fun.

    How does it test out masteries? I’m not wasting hundreds of units to buy cores to “test out” one game mode only to be penalized in another.
  • Mother_FlerkenMother_Flerken Member Posts: 524 ★★★

    My biggest frustration is that it’s heavily weighted away from suicides. The latest node is the worst. I can’t use large chunk of my roster unless I want the whole fight to be in unblockable. A few suicide unfriendly paths in act 7 I understand, but it’s ruining this game play mode for me

    And the previous week was heavily weighted towards suicides... silent when it works for you, whine when it doesn't right 👌
  • GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
    About timer...
    In my opinion it should be less points for timer. Eventually to calculate hp loss without regen factor.
    Last thing i hope that all cheating players will be banned before ranking prices. There is lots of players in top 100 with 5* and r2 in profile. It is simply impossible.
  • JurasimoJurasimo Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2022
    Nothing matters when you loose to cheater. No options to report, no options to get back energy. No leagues or brackets so you can rut into enemy twice as strong or much weaker. I am not gonna play it anymore.

  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Jurasimo said:

    Nothing matters when you loose to cheater. No options to report, no options to get back energy. No leagues or brackets so you can rut into enemy twice as strong or much weaker. I am not gonna play it anymore.

    There is a way to report, you take a screenshot and submit a ticket to customer support.
  • bdbartleybdbartley Member Posts: 2
    Long post here:

    BGs is a very fun mode. That being said, it needs to go away indefinitely until some major issues are actually fixed All the hackers/modders must be completely purged, and taken out immediately if any of them ever try again. The matchmaking system is also grossly unfair to base it strictly on some vague rating. Last but not least is the bug infestation.

    These problems are partly due to inaction on hackers/modders and not being able to see the logical conclusion of taking no interest or action. It was not a great idea from the start to even offer some rank rewards for a beta. How can you guarantee fairness for rankings and rewards in an untested beta?

    Then, when modders are not removed from arena and they see BGs, why shouldn't they try there too? So, modders go to BGs and start pushing out upper tier players with loaded rosters with 0 consequences. What is the next logical step? A lot of these players decide it isn't worth the headache or frustration, so they tank their ratings intentionally to hit the milestones. What next? This happens on down the player rankings and progressions, and the end result is the mid-low tier rostered players getting squashed on a regular basis by the higher tier players who lowered their ratings, who they should never have been matched with from the get go. This forces a large portion of the player base out of BGs altogether because it becomes a waste of time and energy for them. Final result? Only a small segment of the community takes BGs seriously, and the rest simply don't care about anything except milestones, and even getting those is a headache because of this.

    I understand its a beta, and the BGs store is a great idea to encourage participation. However, given the mostly radio silence from Kabam on lots of issues, plus not addressing obvious frauds in a new game mode? Not the best way to promote it. At the very least, cleaning out the modders immediately (as opposed to promising a slap on the wrist at some vague future time) would show some level of care by Kabam even without saying anything and be some encouragement to the player base. Modders simply not receiving rank rewards is pointless in the end because of the damage already done to the players' trust/interest/excitement by the intentional lack of action on Kabam's part. Not to mention, a lack of bringing a serious hammer down on them immediately does nothing except silently condone it, which is the worst possible outcome.

    Kabam, I know you can do much better than this. Please do so.

  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    I never have prob with merc for me, i love battle the energy are lot. Im happy to see Kabam think another type of energy i have the same idea 😄 just for battleground
  • CoMinowCoMinow Member Posts: 364 ★★

    Seriously????? How is time not a tie breaker??? I’m getting so sick of losing to inferior players because they get 60% more attack from suicides
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    CoMinow said:

    Seriously????? How is time not a tie breaker??? I’m getting so sick of losing to inferior players because they get 60% more attack from suicides

    Those who complained about the 60% attack increase from suicides also need to take into consideration:
    * Bleed damage suicides gives
    * Poison damage suicides gives
    * 5% damage for every special used
    * Current BG nodes are extremely unsuicides friendly as most champs auto start off with 2 debuffs to begin the fight, which isn't fun with these nodes
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