Availability of lower tier basic catalysts.

I'm a TB who does Map5/6 and constantly find myself without T3/T2 basics to rank up 4 star champions for arena.
Is there a clear source I'm missing?
(The energy cost for daily quests isn't really worth it)
Is there a clear source I'm missing?
(The energy cost for daily quests isn't really worth it)
Really hate the condescending tone people have in this forum.
It's like kabam can't win. I've progressed so far. I need rewards to rank up the Champs that help me progress. Okay, we'll adjust the crystals and such to give you better rewards.
But wait, I still get some new lesser champs. You need to give me even more ways to get the resources since all these updated ways don't give me access to them.
And you don't get just one for the auto complete. And as others mentionedthey are offered in the valkyrie store as well, and that's often the case for side quest stuff. But I'm sure you can't bothered there as well. Like your not going to waste those resoruces on such low level cats...
So learn to manage your time and resoruces. And if you're going to thumb your nose on tedious but easy tasks, well then nobody wants to here you whine. Funny enough, it's the same advice in the latest not enough gold thread. People don't want solutions that require their time/effort. They want handouts.
Might as well take all the other lower level cats out of the TB glory store for that matter, no?
Tell me why T1 class cats are available in TB glory store if not for convenience?