First r4s should be favorite champ

Just like the post says you worked hard for your first r4 make it your favorite character. Dont worry about prestige, others opinions, or whos the best make it your fav.

Next will be Claire, Kitty, likely Hit Monkey and then hopefully OmegaS and Scorpion.
Totally agree with your statement.
Yellowjacket has been my staple in war for 6+ seasons in t1 war. Feel free to disagree with me, i have vids of him soloing every meta boss for 6 seasons, plus 6-8+ fights per account.
My first have been Negative, Tigra and Killmonger none of whom are necessarily everyone’s top champions. I ranked then because I enjoyed them! (Herc was my second, but I don’t like many cosmic champs and I had a cosmic 3-4)
Apart from Herc all of my champs have just been because I really enjoy them. I’m not decided on my next one yet, but I’m sure it won’t be someone just because they’re good!
I didn't spent 18k units during CW to let him sit at r3. I took him up before herc or doom.
I'm a bit curious, Do you have 6* Herc?
If I ever pull a 6* Megneto before I got my r4 materials for my 1st r4 then it will be Apoc, Prof X and Magneto.
If no Magneto by then, I'd go for Kitty, Tigra and Ghost.
However, I have 0 science t5cc, so Omega Sentinel will be the next r4
Second was g99, no regrets and enjoying her
IM IW > Warlock
I'm pretty sure my order was:
Omega Red
Act 7 Gem
July 4th Gem
Nick Fury
First R4. Super tank, great damage, amazing support and great utility.
Second R4. No need to explain why. What makes this more impressive is I R3d and sig 200 him BEFORE his buff was announced so when i say KG is one of my favorites, I mean it. I literally 100% the Grandmaster's Gauntlet just so I could sig 200 him which was before any buff.
Players need to focus more on enjoying the game above anything else. That comes first. This is a video game play for fun, enjoyment and sometimes escapism.
And yeah it's going to be my favorite champ-Knull
Or maybe maybe Omega Sentinel who I like very much too
But both will be my first and second r4s that's for sure