Is Kabam checking to make sure there’s no cheaters in the top 2500 in BGs?

@Kabam Jax I hope the team is doing it’s best to make sure the appropriate ppl get the rewards they should when Battlegrounds Beta leaderboard is sorted. I know I’m not the only one who wants to know if Kabam is checking this thoroughly or not. Any updated info would be appreciated. Thanks 😊
Let's say, they didn't get rewards, fine.
But why those names are still there.
Sure, some of these accounts definitely look suspicious, but Kabam cannot act on suspicion alone.
We're following up on this right now, so please standby.
I know I mentioned on a post last week that we did a wave of bans for BG but they were not visibly removed from the leaderboards.
Will let you know when I hear more.
Is this bug, or u tolerate cheating Kabam?
Another disappointment from Kabam’s side. I start hating this game for real and losing my interest in it
There was a Ban wave that took place before the rewards went out, but our current tech was not able to remove them from the Leaderboards. This is something that we need to work on. Those that were banned for cheating will not receive Rewards.
As for those that were knocked out of the Top 2500 by players that used Mods, we will be adjusting the rank rewards to account for this. For example, if there was a ban in the Top 10. then #11 will get the Top 10 rewards. This might take a little while. Additionally, we're not finished distributing the rewards.
TL:DR; the In-game leaderboards still show players that were banned. They did not receive rewards. Players they knocked out of their brackets/rank will get the rewards they should have earned.
The thing that sucks is if they don't give out rewards before the calendar reset, or before next week's EOP, I would miss out on a month of the Paragon calendar/daily crystals and the opportunity to achieve the 20 point milestone for EOP.
Modders blow
But Still THX to Kabam i finally got rewards
Just providing possible explanations that resulted in the disparity.