Already did one run with herc, CGR and ghost. Thinking of building a team around Kitty and tigra but not sure what to do about overseer and warlock. Kitty might be able to do overseer.
nope, TB. need last point to get to 16 points, left out one objective last week so I gotta get every objective this week to get 1x cats instead of 0.5x cats
Herc - tigra
Overseer - Nick
Bishop - warlock (tigra if you want is an option)
Warlock - warlock
Use tech power booster for warlock fight and you’re sorted.
Don't have a Warlock, so I'll just remove willpower against the Warlock and use Magneto
2 team was kitty tigra and warlock. And that’s was done in line 40 minutes playing time
How’d the warlock fight go