6* sig stone stash limit

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
Maybe this is something that I’ve missed, but why is the generic sig stone storage limit at 100? That’s literally only half of the total sigs available for a champ…. If you want to use an awakening gem on a champion and then take them up to sig 200, you’d have to have a sig(see what I did there?)nificant amount of class specific stones or the rare +5 generics laying about, or just get lucky and time the champion acquisition within the 30 days that you have sig stones expiring. Some restrictions make sense, but not on something like this. There are even a number of game contents (Gauntlet for instance) that give 50 sig stones at a time that can’t be unopened (as crystals) but go straight to inventory. What other item can you fill up half of the allowable storage with after a single event/quest/thing?

Edit: the 3/4* sig stone limit is 100, which makes sense since those champs sig levels only go to 100. But for 5 and 6* champs, it seems a bit ridiculous. I’m not even gonna go into how difficult it has been to get sig stones without buying offers, but I can’t imagine whales thinking any different about the cap.

Also, while we’re at it, why the weird lack of cap on 5* AGs but cap on all other rarities?


  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    I don’t mind the 100 limit. It forces you to not hold on to essentially a way to max sig a champion.
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