Dormmammu's Degeneration

Hi everyone, i don't know if this is a bug or not, someone please explain me this
I'm fighting Dormmammu in the EQ (mutant quest) in his description says "each time a buff expires" i will get a degeneration for 10 seconds, ok all good........ But why every time a buff refreshes, the degen refreshes too..... So i don't know, the buff is refreshing itself not expiring, if this is how he works ok no problem, something new to learn i guess
I'm fighting Dormmammu in the EQ (mutant quest) in his description says "each time a buff expires" i will get a degeneration for 10 seconds, ok all good........ But why every time a buff refreshes, the degen refreshes too..... So i don't know, the buff is refreshing itself not expiring, if this is how he works ok no problem, something new to learn i guess
"If it is a non stacking buff and refreshes why counts as a new buff? It is the same buff refreshing right?"
I understand he works like that but i stilll trying to get a logic to this, maybe im digging too much haha
We used to have this problem in alliance war with dexterity because back in the day, each dex would put a nonstacking precision buff on you. So multiple dexes would terminate old precision buffs causing mystic defenders to gain power due to mystic dispersion. We are fortunate kabam buffed dexterity to not apply a new buff while one is active.