6 star featured champs in basic... And insane luck

So I always thought 6 stars featured champs would be available in the basic pool when the feature expires. I guess I was wrong or something changed some times ago...
Anyway, I just found out omega sentinel was already in the basic, talked about it with alliances mates who also believed she was not expected this soon and realized I had 13k shards saved up for a featured.
Used them on a basic since OS was the only featured I wanted that was missing from my roster and guess what...

1/220 ish ?
I can't believe what just happened lol
Anyway, I just found out omega sentinel was already in the basic, talked about it with alliances mates who also believed she was not expected this soon and realized I had 13k shards saved up for a featured.
Used them on a basic since OS was the only featured I wanted that was missing from my roster and guess what...

1/220 ish ?
I can't believe what just happened lol
You can see Upcoming Basic Pool Additions on that page as well.