HaS tHiS eVeR hApPeNeD tO yOu ...

When you're in a fight, important or super easy, and you get dropped from the game at the end of the fight? So you wait a minute or two to reconnect to the game, but your champion's health is dropped to 50%, and your fight was reset.
Then you try the fight again, but the same thing happens, and you get dropped from the game at the very end of the fight.
Now, you're annoyed, and your champion's health is at 25%. So you try the fight again. You either get dropped again, or get clapped by the opponent.
Then you try the fight again, but the same thing happens, and you get dropped from the game at the very end of the fight.
Now, you're annoyed, and your champion's health is at 25%. So you try the fight again. You either get dropped again, or get clapped by the opponent.

Happens mostly in SQ and EQ for me.