Massive Store Change! What’s next? 🤔

Before I make my suggestion I would just like to thank Kabam for making these changes over the past few months between updating the loyalty and glory stores to the daily offers and even allowing us to purchase ISO (which many people never thought would happen) and 6 star sigs.
Hopefully masteries will be the next to be retooled but for this post I would like to advocate for cavalier gold crystals
I believe adding cavalier gold crystals would greatly reduce the gold shortages without inflating the market. Uncollected gold crystals are worth a little bit more than 3x that of a greater gold crystal which means a cav crystal should pay out to a bare minimum of 60K gold each. If these were added in all of the events where one might usually get an uncollected gold crystal than that logically means people would be earning 3x the amount of gold (as we should to cover the expenses of 6 star market inflation)
Hopefully masteries will be the next to be retooled but for this post I would like to advocate for cavalier gold crystals
I believe adding cavalier gold crystals would greatly reduce the gold shortages without inflating the market. Uncollected gold crystals are worth a little bit more than 3x that of a greater gold crystal which means a cav crystal should pay out to a bare minimum of 60K gold each. If these were added in all of the events where one might usually get an uncollected gold crystal than that logically means people would be earning 3x the amount of gold (as we should to cover the expenses of 6 star market inflation)