Kabam, please test synergies before their release.

I'm very disappointed that this is happening all over again. The reed synergy with galan. The sabretooth synergy with sasquatch. The robot synergy with guillotine 2099. Now, with the og witch synergy with quicksilver. Will this just keep on happening in the future? This rising of hype for a champion becoming stronger through synergies; to finally be able to use them in content only for them to be nerfed after their pre-release bundles expire? If these synergies are not what you intended them to be, then why not release them as that way? Has there not been any testing beforehand with these synergies? Because time and time again it just seems like the synergies are written on paper and not actually tested.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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Edit: Reed also does has his uses and is solid, just I liked him a lot better with the galan synergy than his current state
I'd really like to see where all these people were talking about this synergy before QS's release.
So say they do that, we can't quest normally for 3 days?
Doesn't matter how big or little the company is. Unintentional interactions are found all the time in all kinds of games out there because that piece gets into way more hands than employees.
Good luck.
Y'all complain about the live servers the minute there's an emergency maintenance and you want them to expend even further for full fledged beta servers?
Either way, Im not agreeing with you nor with those that are screaming consumer court blah blah, just trying to find how this pic you keep posting everywhere applies to the issue at hand 🤔
“Site Items” is further defined in section 14:
In effect, “Materials” is “everything in every game they operate.”
As MCOC is a service, you are required by law to agree to the terms of service or your use of the service is unauthorized and you would have to cease.
For those who disagree with the TOS or alternatively believes the TOS is either not legal or not binding, refusal to agree to it does not then mean they have the right to use the service while ignoring the TOS. You cannot just say I don’t agree to your terms of service, therefore you no longer have any rights to control who uses it. Deliberately playing the game while not honoring the terms of the TOS is a bad faith action in the legal sense of the term. If you attempt to sue the company on the grounds they changed something you feel you had the legal right to preserve, they could probably counter sue for fraud and theft of service.
That is actually known as holding an opinion on the matter. “To me”, “I can’t see anything about”, “just trying to find out” etc.
DNA politely took the time to correct and educate you on what you were self-admittedly trying to find out. Then you’re purposely ignoring it in quite a rude way if I’m honest, while claiming you don’t hold an opinion which is contrary to the opinion that you held in the literal previous post.
Your opinion was that nothing was said about champions or synergies, that was wrong and DNA corrected you that Materials doesn’t mean in game materials - it actually means anything in the game including characters. Meaning your opinion was wrong. At least do someone the courtesy of addressing the posts they make in response to you. This forum is for discussion, which is a two way street.
I guess you could say I'm speculating