Is it really too much to ask?

Too much to ask kabam to keep our ever expanding items locker clean of discontinued, useless items??

2014 prayer cards, class keys for gates that are no longer there. Not shown? Randomizer cubes. I am pretty sure there other special items others have stuck in their inventory that are a useless irritant! Bad enough trying to scroll through all the useful stuff let alone the added garbage that seems to keep piling up in our accounts.
Why can you not just clear this junk out??? It is harder than designing new champs? What?

2014 prayer cards, class keys for gates that are no longer there. Not shown? Randomizer cubes. I am pretty sure there other special items others have stuck in their inventory that are a useless irritant! Bad enough trying to scroll through all the useful stuff let alone the added garbage that seems to keep piling up in our accounts.
Why can you not just clear this junk out??? It is harder than designing new champs? What?