Why is the legendary event so grindy

Kabam I get this is a bonus event but why make it so unenjoyable. Between it and eternity of pain it seems like you truly want to make players have the least amount of enjoyable content possible in game. Decent rewards are nice but not if the content is mind numbing.
1) What is a good sense of rewards are in the current meta
2) What is this event marketed as by kabam
3)How has this played out with actual player interaction with the content.
EOP is a perfect event by these tenants. Short of bugs (and an admittedly long wait period for rewards) it was amazing in terms of what the players received, the amount of resources/time you usually had to invest and what kabam said they wanted to create. This was not “enjoyable” content in terms of ease but if anyone thought something called “Eternity of Pain” was going to be run of the mill then the failure wasn’t on Kabam in terms of communication.
The legends event seemed to be a sort of summoner appreciation event which does beg the question of how something meant to be enjoyable seems to be particularly grindy instead. I have theorized a possible explanation in that the original “legends” did have to grind out insanely long fights for hours on end even if they weren’t “difficult” per say. If this was the intent then the arena does actually give a similar feeling, however, if that was the goal it was lost in marketing (a failure of the second tenant) somewhere which is likely the reason for the seeming effect/intention incongruity. If this was not the goal then clearly the failure was in the third tenant which would hopefully result in some sort of multiplier buff