Act 7.3.6 Bug

Dear Kabam,

I was playing 7.3.6, and during my final fight with Kang the conqueror I got him down to his final phase at 2% of his health. I was using colossus with the omega red synergy and have assassins unlocked. It took me 6 attempts to reach a SP3 as his AI wasn't cooperative and when I finally got to my sp3... it didn't kill Kang. He survived with 636 health...

I am extremely frustrated. It's taken $5 real money, and about 10 revives total for this man to not die when I supposedly get to end the fight. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and say that this is a bug as Kang should've been executed.

This fight is agitating enough in its final phase as you're basically ridden to RNG so that Kang cooperates for you to get enough power to launch an SP3 since he outscales you in power gain anyway. It's even more gut wrenching for you to not even kill him when you finally do get the RNG to roll the right way.


  • Sharkbate63Sharkbate63 Member Posts: 7
    I should also mention, Kang still isn't dead
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,641 ★★★★★
    It’s not a bug. You aren’t guaranteed to kill Kang once you reach that SP3. I think it’s an egregious design oversight or a terrible decision because as you said it’s frustrating and it’s anticlimactic when it doesn’t. However, it’s not a bug.
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