Just got 6* CAIW after over FOUR YEARS of waiting and............

Kabam seriously needs to address these years long champion "freeze outs" in the game. Finally getting a champ after their in-game usability is over is one of my biggest complaints about the game aside from the others that have already been addressed in the forums. NO ONE should have to wait a presidential term for a champ. Fix this BS please.
I’m still waiting on some cool champions that I am gunning for, if they were guaranteed not to have a “freeze out” then I’d know when I was about to get them.
I’m sorry you feel blade and Cap are past their prime when you’ve got them (I know it’s not the point of your thread but I definitely would advise a second look at Cap, he is most definitely still one of the top champs in the game). But on the other hand, the game can’t guarantee you to get champions at a certain point. RNG is fickle, and you’ll get some champions but not others. Be happy with the ones you’ve got, strive for the ones you don’t. If you let yourself get upset about it then it’ll just sour your opinion of the game.
What exactly do you have in mind to address the problem you think there is here?
- Perfect blocks on parry
- Mitigates unstoppable
- Big Sp2 (I usually crit for over 120k in cav event quest with him every month)
- Sig ability allows him to:
- Purify debuffs
- Apply a weakness to opponent
- Armor break opponent on parry
- Petrify the opponent
I can go on. This guy has utility through the roof. And you think his usability is over.
This is just ill-informed.
As far as the RNG complaint, I understand. I still don’t have a useable ghost in the game, and she has been released for years. The champ pool is too big for RNG to be used to finally get that champ, we need more opportunities to at least narrow down the pool of champs in a crystal.
No regrets
With 230 champs in the game, I really believe the availability of nexus crystals needs to be more common - especially at higher level progression levels and new end game content rewards. Additionally, we need more of the 12 champ nexus for the really big content - give people more opportunity at a choice for putting in the hard work. It's still RNG, but a better chance at targeting some type of favorable champ for the most end game rewards.
This game will always be predominantly RNG, so I’d find suggestions like dual class crystals for 6*s great, easier access to arena great, but a free yearly champion selector? I find that hard to justify personally.
This isn’t other people’s reading comprehension, this is your communication skills.