Unstoppable Colossus Refund

Similar to the MoleMan rank down gems, I think that a Unstoppable Colossus loyalty refund, even at a lesser rate, would be great with the update to the loyalty store.
We didn’t know we were gonna get an update to the loyalty store, and there was nothing else to spend on, I want a refund too
With that being said, do I believe we deserve a refund? Unfortunately I don't believe that (but would accept one in a heartbeat). I absolutely wouldn't have purchased the UC and UC dup had I known this update would occur or even had any minor reason to believe it would, but that doesn't change the fact that I got what I paid for.
Some of you may remember when OG Vision was first released in special unit offers, his 5* was going for 15k units! People bought that I'm assuming. Now that you can get that 5* in special offers for something around 1k units (I forget exact amount) did those who spent 15k get a refund? Not to my knowledge, so why should we on UC?
I’m not saying I need a refund, but this is also one of the harshest threads I’ve read in a while. Sure, people knew what they were doing, but if you had millions of loyalty and nothing else to spend it on, UC made more sense than just hoarding if we hadn’t gotten an appreciable loyalty store upgrade in years. If you asked me before the update to bet on him getting a buff or the store getting updated to include R4 materials or a 6* AG, I would’ve bet on a buff.
Overall, I feel like the transition was just badly handled by Kabam. Just a smidge of notice would’ve made a big difference.
Unfortunately things change in the game, sometimes with notice and sometimes without. Either way, there’s a cut off and people before the cut off are glad, people after the cut off are upset. We make decisions in the game as and when, with the information we have. If things change, we adapt, but we can’t unmake our choices when we get new information. Otherwise it takes away consequence.