Why hide champs?

Basically the title. Why hide who the next champs are gonna be when the devs have it planned out months in advance and they usually get leaked an entire month beforehand anyway. I get why you'd hide the champs for movie releases but I have no idea why not for any other regular old month as wouldn't it bring more hype if you reveal them beforehand? There could be some obvious thing I'm missing but I just don't really get it.
Plus I'm sure there's some aspect of it that would affect things from a business perspective because if you were to find out every event, every champion and every big sale coming up for the next 12 months, you would see a considerable amount of financial dips and Peaks that would affect kabam's bottom line and depending on the amount of lull between one Peak and another, that would be enough of a deficit to cause the higher-ups to finally notice and take drastic action up to and including closing the servers for unstable performance, especially if Mirrorverse takes off to be a reliable source of income.
But mostly... You'd ruin the surprise!
Tell your girl u re both going on a trip in 3 months.
Then for some reason, u wont be able to make it (work stuff, whatever).
Tell us how she s gonna react to this news and u ll get ur answer
Champion reveals require a particularly delicate balance. Too early, people forget about the champion by the time they join the contest; too late and people don't have time to be excited.
For example, if we were to tell you now who was coming out each month for the next X months it wouldn't allow the game team the freedom to make changes as they deem necessary. As pointed out in this thread, historically, the community does not react well to deviation to the plan. You could argue that we provide an update every time something changes, but on a timeline that long we are creating a lot of unnecessary work for everyone involved.
So, instead, we strive for a shorter timeline and focusing on one month's release at a time. This allows us to put an appropriate spotlight on each duo of new champions, giving them their time to shine, instead of having them ignored for something potentially months down the line.
Yes, leaks happen. Obviously, we wish that didn't happen (and they're not always right). But the pattern we operate on is a good blend of information and building excitement for new content!
I know this is an over-explanation for this topic, but the champ reveal cadence is something that I find particularly interesting.
This is just a example if you know a champion is coming down the line you might be less interested in spend on the current one.
And in regards to the buff program, we were initially told that a buff could take up to 3 months under the current system (it used to be closer to 6 months but that was back in the days when we had a month long beta trial testing for select Summoners) and they've already announced that they in various stages of complete on the Buffs for Ant-Man and Rocket Raccoon.