v36.2 QoL Updates - Coming Sept 6, 2022



  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,617 ★★★★★
    Typhoon said:

    @Kabam Zero ,

    On the crystal opening post-screen, we have two buttons:

    - Upgrade champions on the left
    - Back to crystals on the right

    Previous menu flow had us using the left button to return to crystals I believe. I have found myself about a dozen times ending up on the champion menu when I intended to return to the crystal menu now. Maybe it's just me but it seems weird to be clicking the right button now. Any chance to switch the placement of these buttons?

    Yes, this is super annoying. I've trainined myself to click left.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,837 ★★★★★
    Many of these quality of life changes are great although I have one small gripe

    Various alliance revives are shown In The “other tab” instead of the health and energy tab.

  • Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165
    edited September 2022
    Hey All,

    Sorry for the late response as I was off work for a little bit. Looking into the below issues
    • Potions being in other Section(Investigating)
    • Back to Crystals button being in a different spot for skip screen (fixed for 36.3)
    • Rewards in crystals(Mainly just fragment style crystals) not showing up when using open 10 from Summary Screen(Have a fix, determining when we can release)
    Post edited by Kabam Miike on
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022

    Hey All,

    Sorry for the late response as I was off work for a little bit. Looking into the below issues

    • Potions being in other Section(Investigating)
    • Back to Crystals button being in a different spot for skip screen (fixed for 36.3)
    • Rewards in crystals(Mainly just fragment style crystals) not showing up when using open 10 from Summary Screen(Have a fix, determining when we can release)
    Thank you for fixing the back to crystals button, it was pretty frustrating.
    Post edited by Kabam Miike on
  • Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165
    edited September 2022

    Hey All,

    Sorry for the late response as I was off work for a little bit. Looking into the below issues

    • Potions being in other Section(fixed for 36.3)
    • Back to Crystals button being in a different spot for skip screen (fixed for 36.3)
    • Rewards in crystals(Mainly just fragment style crystals) not showing up when using open 10 from Summary Screen(Have a fix, will be in hotfix)
    Updating the above
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,508 ★★★★
    Just want to say since this new update this is the first month since May where I'm able to complete the monthly quest. The last two months I wasn't able, but this month able to actually complete a quest again. Not only that thank Kabam for fixing the crystal tab so we can see all tabs and not them mixed in together. Certainly this month has been a positive one for me so far and want to say I greatly appreciate it.
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,713 ★★★★
    Sorry but I couldn't find the post regarding champion buff program.. Antman is still buggy.. and he is not great attacker in AW.. vs Doom that is.. glancing didn't work and attack damage is er mediocre.. maybe in different content or against other champions..

    Anyways I hope Rocket Racoon will get a better buff.. even undupe is useful and has utility but awaken he gets more crit damage..
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,878 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022

    Hey All,

    Sorry for the late response as I was off work for a little bit. Looking into the below issues

    • Potions being in other Section(fixed for 36.3)
    • Back to Crystals button being in a different spot for skip screen (fixed for 36.3)
    • Rewards in crystals(Mainly just fragment style crystals) not showing up when using open 10 from Summary Screen(Have a fix, will be in hotfix)
    Updating the above
    thanks @Kabam Zero
  • TarsoTarso Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2022
    Why the button for going back to crystals and upgrade champions has change places? I click the wrong button ALL the time, almost 8 years in one spot and now changes with no reason. Another thing, what's UP with ALL the notification bubbles that can't get away on the events tab. If I don't buy the sigil I don't need to see those notifications.
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