Gold 1/AQ Map 6 (sometimes 5) LF1

Great White Buffalo is looking for 1 player
We run AQ Map 6 usually, but will sometimes drop to Map 5 to recoup resources (and get some Battlechips). When we run Map 6, we score 340M or so…. But if you insist on 100% AQ each round, this is not the place for you. We will kill the boss nearly every time, but life comes first.
AW we typically finish Gold 1… sometimes knocking on be door to Plat 4.
LINE required
LINE: gwbsandpounder
IG: Sand Pounder
Ally: Great White Buffalo (GWB2)
We run AQ Map 6 usually, but will sometimes drop to Map 5 to recoup resources (and get some Battlechips). When we run Map 6, we score 340M or so…. But if you insist on 100% AQ each round, this is not the place for you. We will kill the boss nearly every time, but life comes first.
AW we typically finish Gold 1… sometimes knocking on be door to Plat 4.
LINE required
LINE: gwbsandpounder
IG: Sand Pounder
Ally: Great White Buffalo (GWB2)