Are Alliances now Obsolete?

CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
Let’s say anything below platinum level. With the introduction of purchasable solo rewards, AW changes, and now the removal of the gifting event, Are You Still Invested In Alliances?

Are Alliances now Obsolete? 238 votes

Gamerbdawg923LeNoirFaineantChadhoganRonnieb54zuffyHeraldofNoneF4k3_GaM3ryossStu198311Foxhero007MityAntflygamerGarloBulmktBarrier ReefLovejoy72TitoBandito187Little_Crocodili29Khaoticl0ki 83 votes
DNA3000MasterSmokeSnakeEyes69BigbowlrBadroseHeinz11MagicBentonWorld EaterDisbanded_pensHorror_punkMongoPawnJadedBeerDragoonEmil_LimsonBlackfriar63phillgreenTerraSundance_2099Jazz_MessengerJoestacks85 152 votes
Was Always Solo
Trafalgarwar96Dkcody42SkyLord7000 3 votes


  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Feel free to also leave your title progression if you’re replying about your vote. I’m curious to see what the demographics look like.
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    edited August 2022
    You know there is way more to alliances than just AW, in fact, finding alliances that don't do war or do 1-2bg optional war are extremely common these days.

    Additionally the gifting event was a couple weeks long out of an entire year, this has no impact on the other 50 weeks of the year. Also, we don't know what's replacing it yet, but I think it's safe to say Kabam thinks it can substitute the massive income they get from gifting or they wouldn't be doing this.

    Meaning, don't automatically think there won't be something that rewards alliances as alliances mates pushing each other to spend for rewards is what made kabam a fortune during gifting.

  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    don't think obsolete is a good word to use. are alliances helpful? yes. do you get more being in an alliance than not? yes. are your time and resources that go into alliance stuff worth it? maybe. but i think there are costs and benefits to both having and not having an alliance. personally, doing aq and aw not only gives me something to do, but also gives a good amount of resources (aq more than aw).
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I answered "Are you still invested in an alliance." I see now that was incorrect lol. I still enjoy being in an alliance. I'm Paragon and am currently doing lower AQ but I'll go back to doing map 8 soon.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    I'm Conqueror and in an alliance on my own, which I use to do Map 1 AQ for t4b cats and extra gold, this has no effect on me at all.
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  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★

    don't think obsolete is a good word to use. are alliances helpful? yes. do you get more being in an alliance than not? yes. are your time and resources that go into alliance stuff worth it? maybe. but i think there are costs and benefits to both having and not having an alliance. personally, doing aq and aw not only gives me something to do, but also gives a good amount of resources (aq more than aw).

    The point of this poll is to see what people think about the cost/benefit. Obsolete means out of date. I am asking how many people believe this is the case.
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  • edited August 2022
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  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    I still need the glory and loyalty. Beats spending units to me.

    I'd rather slog through both of these events than mindlessly press buttons in arena over and over. It's all mindless button pressing, but arena is basically a conveyor belt of checking that one screw to make sure it's in their tight. That is more painful than AQ+AW combined and multiplied by 10.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I'll wait and see until the rewards are updated for AW next season, and I assume that we'll see an update to the AQ rewards as well (if not an overhaul of the glory store as such).

    However, I am having this increasing feeling of doing a lot of grind for very little reward. Especially as a leader, where you have to wrangle a lot of stuff beside just showing up on time - it's just exhausting. The one thing that has kept me going in my alliance all these years (aside from the awesome people there, of course) has been that glory was always this premium currency that you simply couldn't get anywhere else. If you didn't play AQ, you were losing out on so many resources to improve your progression. But now, glory is a shadow of its former self. It buys hardly anything worthwhile, in any worthwhile quantities.

    Even if they buffed up the store significantly, the problem with all of these new avenues of resources is that my gold has nosedived as of late. I don't really care if the glory store bumps up the resources it rewards me, if I can't actually put those resources to good use. As it is now, I'd be giddy if I could just burn all of my glory on a sizeable amount of gold each week and then buy the catalysts from the other store. That's....probably not how things are supposed to be.
  • The_man001The_man001 Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I'll wait and see until the rewards are updated for AW next season, and I assume that we'll see an update to the AQ rewards as well (if not an overhaul of the glory store as such).

    However, I am having this increasing feeling of doing a lot of grind for very little reward. Especially as a leader, where you have to wrangle a lot of stuff beside just showing up on time - it's just exhausting. The one thing that has kept me going in my alliance all these years (aside from the awesome people there, of course) has been that glory was always this premium currency that you simply couldn't get anywhere else. If you didn't play AQ, you were losing out on so many resources to improve your progression. But now, glory is a shadow of its former self. It buys hardly anything worthwhile, in any worthwhile quantities.

    Even if they buffed up the store significantly, the problem with all of these new avenues of resources is that my gold has nosedived as of late. I don't really care if the glory store bumps up the resources it rewards me, if I can't actually put those resources to good use. As it is now, I'd be giddy if I could just burn all of my glory on a sizeable amount of gold each week and then buy the catalysts from the other store. That's....probably not how things are supposed to be.

    Completely agree with this being the leader of 2 different alliance for 2 + years I now feel it is not worth the effort.

    With the introduction of catalysts that can be brought with units it devalued the most important reason to stay on alliance ie glory.

    Shards, gold, rankup materials, all can be obtained in fair amount playing solo now without the hassle of everday aq and aw. The most important reason people has tp stay in alliance was glory which being nerfed of its value with catalysts for unit system.

    A solo player doing eq, arena, and upcoming battleground is much better than staying in an alliance, and this comes from a leader.
  • SnakepSnakep Member Posts: 362 ★★★
    I would argue that being in an alliance now is more important than it was in the past. With the bump in the loyalty store you have to do alliance war to hoard loyalty. I could agree with someone saying that being in a competitive alliance isn’t worth it now but join a relaxed one that does an easy aq map for you and is chill at war and reap the easy benefits without much stress. Then you can also use the new catalyst store to help speed up progression that you may lack from being in a competitive alliance.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Not completely useless, but being in an alliance holds a lot less value than it used to
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  • edited August 2022
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  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★

    Ercarret said:

    I'll wait and see until the rewards are updated for AW next season, and I assume that we'll see an update to the AQ rewards as well (if not an overhaul of the glory store as such).

    However, I am having this increasing feeling of doing a lot of grind for very little reward. Especially as a leader, where you have to wrangle a lot of stuff beside just showing up on time - it's just exhausting. The one thing that has kept me going in my alliance all these years (aside from the awesome people there, of course) has been that glory was always this premium currency that you simply couldn't get anywhere else. If you didn't play AQ, you were losing out on so many resources to improve your progression. But now, glory is a shadow of its former self. It buys hardly anything worthwhile, in any worthwhile quantities.

    Even if they buffed up the store significantly, the problem with all of these new avenues of resources is that my gold has nosedived as of late. I don't really care if the glory store bumps up the resources it rewards me, if I can't actually put those resources to good use. As it is now, I'd be giddy if I could just burn all of my glory on a sizeable amount of gold each week and then buy the catalysts from the other store. That's....probably not how things are supposed to be.

    Completely agree with this being the leader of 2 different alliance for 2 + years I now feel it is not worth the effort.

    With the introduction of catalysts that can be brought with units it devalued the most important reason to stay on alliance ie glory.

    Shards, gold, rankup materials, all can be obtained in fair amount playing solo now without the hassle of everday aq and aw. The most important reason people has tp stay in alliance was glory which being nerfed of its value with catalysts for unit system.

    A solo player doing eq, arena, and upcoming battleground is much better than staying in an alliance, and this comes from a leader.
    I’m in the same boat as you guys being a leader who’s gotta work a little harder than everyone else. So perhaps the grand takeaway is that AQ is taxing and people in our position might want to start (dare I even say) pulling back the reins a little. This was a cool poll I enjoy seeing how people have flipped so dramatically towards loyalty while being able to now operate without consistent glory. Smart job by Kabam honestly
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    Mainly cause my game crashes too much and don't want to negatively affect others. I may get back into AQ & AW once able to update my phone.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    SCP1504 said:

    SCP1504 said:

    why would it kill an ally? It will destroy low tier stuff drastically as thousands are going to abandon alt accounts... but if you were only in an ally for a 2 week period in December.. why are you in one at all? lol

    The point here is why would you need an alliance when all alliance perks/rewards are available elsewhere?
    Catalyst is in shop with little limitation
    Shards and r4 materials are in content and in the shop
    AW is janky not very rewarding when it works and AQ has been a chore for a while if your alliance is not chill

    Now with gifting gone i can see that some people will no longer see the need for being in an alliance with the responsibility that comes with it
    Glory? Loyalty? War season rewards? AQ Map Crystals? The enjoyment of being part of a group rather than doing something yourself?
    Glory is irrelevant since if you don't get it you can just buy rank up materials in store

    Loyalty is debatable but someone who doesn't want to be part of an alliance will have to weigh how long he needs to play in order to get 750k for example but still, r4 materials are more available and you don't need the ones in loyalty store

    War season rewards are not that enticing- to high level players who already have almost everyone and would probably rather work on what they have / Aq rewards are meh

    The last point i think is the only reason someone may stay in an alliance - they enjoy the company.

    Think about it, high level players are not dependant on the alliances they're in, they don't need aw rewards for growth and everything else is available in game so if they grind arena or even decide to spend cash they can have better rewards than top alliances
    Except the player that can balance both alliance events with minimal or no item use, high rank aq/war and does everything a solo player is capable of doing is getting way more then a solo player.

    If I’m earning more loyalty and glory without spending it on items then I’m earning way more then a player that isn’t in an alliance because they don’t even get glory or loyalty. So spend some cash on offers, finish P3 ranking or higher, finish top 45 in aq, buy rank up materials from glory and loyalty…sure solo players can earn a lot on their own but it will be less then a competitive player in an competitive alliance. It’s not even close, it’ll be a slow gain as a solo player.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    They are for me. My alliance is just a place that holds my alts. Haven’t been in a real alliance in probably two years. I’m paragon, so I can’t say it’s hurt me. Usually been alliance commitments that have burned me out in the past.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    SCP1504 said:

    SCP1504 said:

    why would it kill an ally? It will destroy low tier stuff drastically as thousands are going to abandon alt accounts... but if you were only in an ally for a 2 week period in December.. why are you in one at all? lol

    The point here is why would you need an alliance when all alliance perks/rewards are available elsewhere?
    Catalyst is in shop with little limitation
    Shards and r4 materials are in content and in the shop
    AW is janky not very rewarding when it works and AQ has been a chore for a while if your alliance is not chill

    Now with gifting gone i can see that some people will no longer see the need for being in an alliance with the responsibility that comes with it
    Glory? Loyalty? War season rewards? AQ Map Crystals? The enjoyment of being part of a group rather than doing something yourself?
    Glory is irrelevant since if you don't get it you can just buy rank up materials in store

    Loyalty is debatable but someone who doesn't want to be part of an alliance will have to weigh how long he needs to play in order to get 750k for example but still, r4 materials are more available and you don't need the ones in loyalty store

    War season rewards are not that enticing- to high level players who already have almost everyone and would probably rather work on what they have / Aq rewards are meh

    The last point i think is the only reason someone may stay in an alliance - they enjoy the company.

    Think about it, high level players are not dependant on the alliances they're in, they don't need aw rewards for growth and everything else is available in game so if they grind arena or even decide to spend cash they can have better rewards than top alliances
    I find it interesting, but completely unsurprising, that the original intent of the poll was to ask whether *below* a certain point alliances mattered, and there are people saying *above* a certain point alliances don't matter.

    Interesting, because this is a persistent dichotomy. Whenever there is a range of rewards, alliance quest, alliance war, even monthly EQ, it always seems to be the case that below a certain point the rewards are too small to matter, and above a certain point the effort is too high to be worth the rewards, and these ranges almost always overlap. Which would imply that no content is worth the rewards contained within it.

    And yet by definition everyone is for the most part doing content that is worth the rewards. By definition, because the operative definition of reward worth involves seeing if players are willing to do the content given those rewards. Some people might be doing some content irrespective of the rewards, like content creators who do it for a living, but the majority of content in a progression game is done for the progress conferred: i.e. the rewards.

    There's probably a masters thesis in there somewhere.
  • Trillionaire6Trillionaire6 Member Posts: 46
    I'm totally blown away by the majority of people here saying they replace AW and AQ for arena grinding and spending actual money. Unreal. Arena doesn't give you ****. And tell me how the glory store is irrelevant when I can buy a t5b and t2a every week from minimal effort? Suggesting to someone that spending money is the way to go is asinine at best. Sounds like a bunch of kabam employees spamming the thread.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian

    I'm totally blown away by the majority of people here saying they replace AW and AQ for arena grinding and spending actual money. Unreal. Arena doesn't give you ****. And tell me how the glory store is irrelevant when I can buy a t5b and t2a every week from minimal effort? Suggesting to someone that spending money is the way to go is asinine at best. Sounds like a bunch of kabam employees spamming the thread.

    I wouldn't say AQ is redundant, I think the glory is quite valuable relative to the effort involved for most players, but you're severely underestimating the arena. I've been buying eleven (the cap) T2A from the catalyst store using units I'm getting purely from arena grinding, and that's just a fraction of the units I get per week. That's simply not possible using the glory store no matter how much glory you're earning.
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