Thank you Kabam for ruining 8 months of my alliance's hard work.

Look, I get why they put the gun to Gifting's head. They aren't wrong that it was a hot bed for scamming and credit card fraud every year, as well having people spend obscene amounts of money to feed their addiction at exactly the wrong time of year that it should be exacerbated, but that doesn't change the fact you gutted my alliance's hard work.
Back in January, me and my alliance officers spent the time and effort to come up with a fun, year long promotion where the members could participate in different events (like a trivia night or ranking up certain types of champs) to earn raffle tickets. Then, me and the officers would gather up the necessary units to supply at least 50 GGCs to be given out for free to the lucky winners. The whole point was to breed a sense of community and camaraderie amongst the alliance that went beyond just the normal confines of the game, incentivizing participation and bettering the prospect and atmosphere as a whole while giving a little thank you out after a year of togetherness and hard work.
You've ruined that and I'm honestly at an emotional loss here.
Back in January, me and my alliance officers spent the time and effort to come up with a fun, year long promotion where the members could participate in different events (like a trivia night or ranking up certain types of champs) to earn raffle tickets. Then, me and the officers would gather up the necessary units to supply at least 50 GGCs to be given out for free to the lucky winners. The whole point was to breed a sense of community and camaraderie amongst the alliance that went beyond just the normal confines of the game, incentivizing participation and bettering the prospect and atmosphere as a whole while giving a little thank you out after a year of togetherness and hard work.
You've ruined that and I'm honestly at an emotional loss here.
you can still technically send your team gift cards equaling the value of the GGC directly to them via whatever communication app, and they can still buy whatever kabams new purchasable crystals are added. only thing they took away is you giving in game...
I love my leader too (if you're reading this lol), just wanna give kudos to this guy since kabam won't!
Honestly, I’d be interested in hearing more about the types of events you did.
Long story short, I think you’re jumping the gun when you say they’ve”ruined” all of your work.
If the whole point was camaraderie and enjoyment, then hopefully that was already achieved. The crystal reward seems to have been used as an extra incentive, but not as the real goal. If you’re only doing it for an in-game reward then there are plenty of game modes to achieve that from.
And I don't think I'm really jumping the gun. They've made it clear the concept of gifting is gone for good; the best we can probably hope for is like Chinese New Years, where we'll get a set amount of generated tickets to send out to Alliance members, if that. Maybe we can try to repurpose everything we've done towards that kind of system, but where are we in the interim? And what if the rewards aren't comparable? And what if what replaces the old December events don't even function in a way we can spot weld our work to it?
At some point, you have to blame the people who set fire to your alliance, not the people who you believe used too much water to put the fire out.
The longevity of the game? The truly wealthy we’re spending 5 figures in a month, a vast amount spent beyond their means to compete and thousands us us ‘regular’ people created accounts to gift ourselves over Christmas as well to achieve parity.
Kabam may well lose revenue from this but will have a healthier game which is more important for the longevity of their golden goose and let’s be honest, there’s enough ways they can milk us if they want.
What you were doing is awesome, we did that a couple of years ago - competitions for content completion, performance in AW and a general raffle - it’s a shame that we can’t do it the same way but they do still say consumables, 300 units of revives would still go down a treat for many people.