Is kitty getting a nerf??

I just heard, some of my mcoc friends said, kitty's going to be rebalanced (it sounds like a tune down). Can I get a clarification on this because I'm planning on R3 her.
I'd much rather have all new champions good and usefull in their own way than have handfull of no brain OP champs and a lot of useless Psychoman type champs.
In theory it sounds good, all depends on Kabam and how will they be able to keep this promise.
Edit: always good to remember the link
Yes there’s a lot said, but that’s because this is a way more nuanced topic than Kitty/Herc should be nerfed. Kitty and Herc are not going to be nerfed (at least not from what John said, nor what anyone from Kabam ha ever said).
There are a lot of interesting points about what positives this balance program brings, I.e. the ability for designers to try new things, because now they don’t have a contract written in blood to keep things in the game. John says that before this program, designers were scared to make as exciting champions because if they’re too OP then they’re committed to having them in game and will have to work around them forever.
That’s a real issue with what they’ll have to do with Herc and Kitty now, and there will be real game impacts with how strong they were. Similar to true focus affecting ghost and quake. For context, John says that all that would have been changed about Herc would be a reduced immortality timer so you can’t “get away with murder”.
I don’t think the balancing program is perfect personally, I really am not a fan of how they still sell pre release bundles in the full knowledge that champions have a higher chance of being nerfed than ever before, and with no contingency plan announced for what happens afterwards if a champion is nerfed. Do rank down tickets get sent out? Is there any form of compensation at all? We don’t know because Kabam haven’t commented on it.
However, I do think that it opens the door for more interesting champions. Kabam can try bigger and better things because they aren’t forced to keep champions in the game when they’re too powerful, they can slightly tone down champions who are too good and who negatively impact the game. Personally, I agree with John when he says that 5 champions who can solve 10 problems each are better for the game than one champion who can solve 50 problems.
Why do you need any of those 5 champions, when you have the one? Why do you need a Void when you have Quake? Why do you need Silver Centurion when you have Ghost?
(Rhetorical question there, it’s just to get the point across about having all powerful champions).
Not to mention, the balance program will pick up champions who are underwhelming and bring them in line with actually being useful. John says that he doesn’t like having champions that have no uses and are only used because you like the character and force then being used.
So imagine this balance program being used on Chavez to buff her damage, Purgatory to make her class souls last longer, Centurion’s lock on lasting longer, Mangog getting a damage boost, Skrull and Psychoman’s damage getting buffed and Jubilee not having to trade so much damage for utility.
I’m not saying they’d all definitely have happened, and we will see what the first champ who gets tuned up will look like (hopefully Gorr or Wong), but hopefully that delivers.
I think it’s much better for the game to have this balancing program, even if we have to take some hits with champions getting a nerf. There are still aspects that can be improved, but I think it’s overall a plus.
Open to being corrected, but that’s how I understand it.
Because of that, when Corvus, Ghost, Quake were added (or discovered in the case of quake), content had to be designed around them and they had to be worked around because Kabam didn’t want to nerf them.
Now with the balancing program, this isn’t an issue. Kabam can try new stuff with champions, and if they end up OP then they can balance them. They aren’t ever going to get into a position where true focus type nodes have to be added to stop the next Quake or ghost, because they can balance them to a more reasonable - but still excellent level. It doesn’t feel like it, because nerfs feel bad, but this is going to make the game much healthier in the long term.
The thing they need to sort out now is more communication, 1) on what happens when a champion gets balanced down, do people who ranked them get RDTs? And 2) on the process with each champ and how it’s going. Is Galan being looked at seriously about his damage, is QS’s utility going to be toned down? What is Kabam currently looking at with the balance program? These are all areas of communication that could and should be increased since nerfs are possibly going to be much more commonplace. We need more communication to make this program really work.
In any event, there's no news of any changes for them, so I think it's best not to stir up fear.
His friends have obviously misheard or misrepresented what happened in the interview and this is how misinformation comes about. Whether by accident or on purpose, it has been sensationalised. I’m trying to provide the context and the facts of what was actually said.
I also didn’t say anything about it being senseless.
Are these questions below just harmless simple questions …
Is there a fire in the building ?
Did I just hear gunshots ?
While technically nothing in those questions actually says that they saw or even heard about a fire, or heard any gunshots, the insinuations are rather the opposite.