Diminished Rewards

Does anyone else feel that rewards in general for the game are failing to keep up with players needs? The lack of gold, catalysts and alpha make most content far from appealing to invest time into. The updated rewards for EQ fell short of being helpful.
There will never be a balance unless u work for it..
If they are giving little ammount of shards.. people complain about access to champions...
They give u a bunch of cav crystals monthly now thru objectives... People now want gold, iso and ranking up mats for those champions...
Most of the solo and AQ rewards are not progression based, which make them outdated once you reach a particular progression level.
Yeah - EOP and Act 7 make you wonder... should I even participate in an alliance?!
AW/Loyalty Store
AQ/Glory Store
Battleground & Store
Monthly Event Quest
Incursions & Store
Daily and Weekly Objectives/Solo and Alliance Events
Daily Event Quests
Calendars (Monthly, Weekly) & Daily/Free Crystal
Summoner's Sigil and Catalyst Store
Side Quest and Story content don't really fit into this concept as they are always different each time anyway.
Furthermore, by not having a schedule, they expose themselves to a situation where they have to justify not increasing rewards literally every time the next cycle of that content comes out. Literally almost everything in this game runs on very specific schedules. Kabam has often preached that they want to improve communication with the community. Having them acknowledge the reward structure of the various game modes even when they don't get improved would be nice.
I really hope Battlegrounds changes that. Hopefully it'll be a place where I can continuously use my champions and test them out against really tough content (at least in terms of playing as quickly and as flawlessly as possible within a time limit). I don't expect Kabam to be able to release story content quickly enough to satiate me (and that's okay, albeit a little sad), but I do think that BG can revitalize the game and offer an ongoing challenge.