Champ updates are nice, but the fundamentals need addressing FIRST!

I'm looking forward to seeing how antman 2.0 plays, as I am future tweaked and reworked champs. But that's extremely low priority compared to the fundamental problems. Dropped inputs, ghost heavy holds and (as I've just discovered and explained to me) the Sick and Tired AW mess using Angela. Clear the backlog and issues, they're more important than the shiny new champs. The latter milks the whales, the former dwindles the player base.
The fundamental error software people seem to make, and it is honestly an inexcusable error for anyone experienced with large software systems, is the fact that games aren’t programmed. The people who work on things like champion balance are not programmers, don’t necessarily have any ability to code, and would be worthless to assign to code-related problems. Actual programmers with actual programming skills would still be worthless without significant experiences with engine environments, in particular Unity in this case, without massive amounts of ramp up time.
Most large software systems have at least some of this dichotomy so it shouldn’t be a totally foreign concept, but games run on layered game engines do this to a very high degree of abstraction.