this is straight up nerf to tigra

the recent change to neutralise was a major point of discussion in community but we all thought that you guys wouldve gone the way of let champ apply neutralise but not have the effects of neutralise work on immune to aar. removing the ability to apply neutralise changes everything its a major part of tigras kit to apply neutralise without which she cant pause her senses rest i hope you guys know so i think logical thing would be to let them apply neutralise like they have been since the begining and if there is a node or champ that is immune to aar neutralise wont work on them just like in the case of aspect of evolution. or just start dishing out more rank down tickets that is not the ideal scenario
honestly there are bad matchups for everyone. I dont see much problems with tigra having hers
Earlier this year, both AA and Warlock has some text updates regarding their abilities regarding heal prevention. This didn't make sense at the time but I posted that it probably meant that a champion with heal block immunity was on the way. I think 2 months later Gorr arrived and this clarification in text became relevant.
We may see a champion in the near future where there will be unique interactions with neutralize and this change will make more sense.