We need to know exactly how to trigger bounty missions

As most already reported here, there's a huge issue with those "test of valor" quests
Some alliances had one of them triggered in less than one minute after that one finished, and had them start back-to-back, and other alliances maybe couldn't trigger one for 1-6-10 hours
Looking at the general situation this can result in a big issue for all the players trying to compete for top1000/top100/top10, having their time invested on playing and grinding hardcore for arena, solo events for top spots etc. completely wasted, because of this "random" system that give a kind of advantage to some and a disadvantage to other
I'm asking for a full-detailed explanation on how this "random" factor is decided, and how exactly trigger one of those quest
And i tanto to point out another thing, those quests should have a regular schedule same for everyone
so everyone trying to go for top 100 or top 10 have fair chance, that's already the difference of valor for solo events and arena rank to determine the difference of valor on the leaderboard
Some alliances had one of them triggered in less than one minute after that one finished, and had them start back-to-back, and other alliances maybe couldn't trigger one for 1-6-10 hours
Looking at the general situation this can result in a big issue for all the players trying to compete for top1000/top100/top10, having their time invested on playing and grinding hardcore for arena, solo events for top spots etc. completely wasted, because of this "random" system that give a kind of advantage to some and a disadvantage to other
I'm asking for a full-detailed explanation on how this "random" factor is decided, and how exactly trigger one of those quest
And i tanto to point out another thing, those quests should have a regular schedule same for everyone
so everyone trying to go for top 100 or top 10 have fair chance, that's already the difference of valor for solo events and arena rank to determine the difference of valor on the leaderboard
And i want to point out another thing, those quests should have a regular schedule same for everyone
so everyone trying to go for top 100 or top 10 have fair chance, that's already the difference of valor for solo events and arena rank to determine the difference of valor on the leaderboard
I’m sure it’s down to luck like so many other parts of this game. Can anyone name another game that depends on luck more than this game..that’s not in a casino?
It finally triggered after 7+ hours from another guy we didn’t know that was close to completing it. But he said he got the bounty Mission an hour after he actually did it. Hopefully a Kabam member can enlighten us tomorrow
I've been trying to save my 'Valor-earning' activities for when a new Test of Valor is available. I wait until then to accept the Valor-containing rewards, as well as waiting to spend quest energy to advance in the monthly quest (each fight awards Valor); I even waited to finish the Normal Mode monthly (completion then exploration) during the down-time. When I got the Normal Mode exploration reward, it had been about 5-6 hours since the last Test of Valor had finished and I was under the impression that factors like time lapsed since the previous Test of Valor or the amount of valor earned would matter, but from my experience now they're not factors.
Yeah it activated for me in a arena fight aswell, doesn't give valor... so what the hell happened?
This system is clearly flawed, don't even know what's the point of not fixing it asap, it's so simple.
But whatever, we can't do anything about it, might as well live with it like we always do with everything else.
There’s plenty to be explained, we went over 8 hours without 1 triggering when one ended and we had just about everyone working towards triggering one earning valor. Then for whatever reason an hour after I had last earned any valor in the middle of doing an arena series it popped up that I somehow triggered 1 while doing arena and not having earned any valor in the past hour. How does 1 trigger then and not in the 8 hours previous when everyone was earning valor. Please bless me with your wisdom on my confusion as to how that happened.
Present your evidence to support this claim. If you don't have any then don't spread potential misinformation.
That's pretty much all the information we will have on it. I'm not getting into an arbitrary debate about evidence. We can observe it ourselves. It's just random.
From that link:
So I was correct to begin with LOL. I went back because someone pointed out that it was triggered without Valor. In any event, I'm still certain it's random. There's no actual set schedule for it.
Yeah. I just chip away at my usual Grind and keep an eye out for the Banner.
I have finished all 4 difficulties of the monthly quest, ranked 1-10% in all vanquishing blow 24 hr events, have done every bounty that’s came up in my alliance, and ranked 80th in the first Thor arena. I was in the top 5 for the first few days but have since continuously fallen since....and for the life of me cannot figure out why.
The current top players aren’t ranking in the top 5 in the 24hr events nor the arena so they extra points aren’t coming from there. So where would they be coming from? Only other probability is a few may be repeatedly running the monthly quests and earning the 1-2 valor per every few fights that way....and if that’s the case, more power to them because that’s just insane lol...
We trying that too, but anyone claim valor is not triggering one, than after 5 minutes a guy doing an arena streak proc a bounty mission between a fight and another