Few questions on Battlegrounds announcement

Very excited for this, one of the best things MCOC has ever added but I do have a few questions/concerns. Apologies if I missed it reading through
1. Will the global nodes be applied to friendly mode as well? If so, that's fine, I just quite like the idea of avoiding the meta of the week in a more casual environment.
2. Will the global nodes be applied to every champion? So, one of them is Bulwark, where the defender is immune to armour break and goes indestructible when losing 5% of their health. Originally in war, this was limited to only metal defenders, but I've heard some YTers talking about it being applied to everyone. Same with flow (power flood when hit with critical hits), and this one could be extra mean applied to Mangog, Chavez, Hyperion etc.
I have a slight worry we will end up with extremely narrow counter fights, and it will be less a challenge of skill and more a challenge of hope to god you get the right counter. That should of course be an element, but there are not enough non crit/ power control champions to realistically build a full roster from. Like take Peni parker on the evade global with a 10.5% chance to evade, how many evade countering Peni counters are there? Enough to regularly pull from a random draft? I worry that BGs will end up being who gets lucky and gets the closest to a decent counter.
3. "Fight Time Remaining can act as a tiebreaker in the event that those two are identical between both Summoners with a possible 15,000 points awarded." I say this in a light-hearted way, but please, please stop using the word tie breaker when it is not a tie breaker. Unless something has changed, Attacker Health, Defender Health and Time Remaining are 3 parts of scoring. One of them cannot be a tie breaker unless it is only ever counted when the other two are tied - in which case the 3rd is used to break the tie. If time remaining is always used as a way to get points, then it is simply one of the scoring metrics, and therefore time remaining itself can actually cause a tie. Yes, time remaining breaks the tie when both yours and your opponent's attacker health + defender health points are the same, but equally, attacker health breaks the tie when both yours and your opponent's time remaining + defender health points are the same - that's how having 3 points scoring metrics works.
4. What are the rewards for levelling up a division? Is it more of the currency to use in BGs store, or items/shards? It mentions Elder's marks, but I didn't know if that was the only part of the rewards.
Appreciate any insight into it, and if anyone noticed an answer to my questions please share.
1. Will the global nodes be applied to friendly mode as well? If so, that's fine, I just quite like the idea of avoiding the meta of the week in a more casual environment.
2. Will the global nodes be applied to every champion? So, one of them is Bulwark, where the defender is immune to armour break and goes indestructible when losing 5% of their health. Originally in war, this was limited to only metal defenders, but I've heard some YTers talking about it being applied to everyone. Same with flow (power flood when hit with critical hits), and this one could be extra mean applied to Mangog, Chavez, Hyperion etc.
I have a slight worry we will end up with extremely narrow counter fights, and it will be less a challenge of skill and more a challenge of hope to god you get the right counter. That should of course be an element, but there are not enough non crit/ power control champions to realistically build a full roster from. Like take Peni parker on the evade global with a 10.5% chance to evade, how many evade countering Peni counters are there? Enough to regularly pull from a random draft? I worry that BGs will end up being who gets lucky and gets the closest to a decent counter.
3. "Fight Time Remaining can act as a tiebreaker in the event that those two are identical between both Summoners with a possible 15,000 points awarded." I say this in a light-hearted way, but please, please stop using the word tie breaker when it is not a tie breaker. Unless something has changed, Attacker Health, Defender Health and Time Remaining are 3 parts of scoring. One of them cannot be a tie breaker unless it is only ever counted when the other two are tied - in which case the 3rd is used to break the tie. If time remaining is always used as a way to get points, then it is simply one of the scoring metrics, and therefore time remaining itself can actually cause a tie. Yes, time remaining breaks the tie when both yours and your opponent's attacker health + defender health points are the same, but equally, attacker health breaks the tie when both yours and your opponent's time remaining + defender health points are the same - that's how having 3 points scoring metrics works.
4. What are the rewards for levelling up a division? Is it more of the currency to use in BGs store, or items/shards? It mentions Elder's marks, but I didn't know if that was the only part of the rewards.
Appreciate any insight into it, and if anyone noticed an answer to my questions please share.
‘Whenever a metal defender loses more than 5% of their max health they gain an indestructible buff for 8 seconds’
Do we need to clear the Victory Track each season or is it a one time thing?
Another thing I just want to point out The number of spot in each division of gladiators circuit is I will say quite less.
Cause this is individual ranking not alliance ranking.
The lowest is uru 3 below 8500 rank they will probably get very less trophy token being the lowest rank. Now lets see
Each alliance has 30 members so 300 alliance = 300 X 30= 9000 members.
In platinum 3 there are 300 alliances.
Assuming those in top 300 alliances play to their level even 500 members of platinum 3 alliance will land on the lowesg division of battleground gladiator circuit cause there are only 8500 spots.
People in top 300 alliances has huge roster and commitment to the game and its not possible for casual to moderate gamers even to compete with them. I am not going info f2p p2w discussion now.
So basically all below plat 3 alliance members get ready to be on the lowest division of gladiators circuit.
Watch through till about 18:30, this is where they have the conversation about how Kabam apparently said the global applies to all champions.
Would appreciate some clarity here
So Flow being on Control Counter, you don’t want to have to remember which champs are control counter with no way to check quickly?
Hopefully some of the bugs have also been resolved. There was concern about the black screen bug which caused immediate losses. There was also abuse in the last iteration of the beta with force closing and being able to reset your fight with no consequences. Abuse of these types of things are about equal to modding. Hopefully these types of things don’t make it into release.
In every game, sport, or competition where a tie is possible and they implement something called a "tie breaker" the tie breaker functions in the same fundamental way.
1. When there is no tie, the tie breaker doesn't exist.
2. When there is a tie, the tie breaker is consulted to (at least attempt to) break the tie.
This is something most four year olds understand. Weirdly, Kabam a) doesn't understand the term, and b) much, much worse doesn't understand why tie breakers work the way they do.
Defender diversity in war is not a tie breaker, and fight time in BG is not a tie breaker, because in both cases they can not only break ties but also create them. They are just another source of points.
Calling fight time a tie breaker is a kind of gas lighting, but more importantly it also means that BG doesn't actually have an actual tie breaker. By calling fight time a tie breaker they aren't just abusing the words, they are also denying the game mode an important feature: a way to avoid ties.
I *literally* have no idea why this is a persistent problem with Kabam, or how many ties will have to occur in BG before they implement an actual tie breaker. It took several years for them to do that for war. I almost never say this, but this is Kabam being irrationally stubborn for no good reason I can fathom. And if it was just a matter of them using words in a weird way, I would just say they were Canadian. But the real problem is not that Kabam doesn't use the phrase "tie breaker"correctly, it is that this creates a real world problem of a game mode *needing* a tie breaking mechanism but being denied one because the developers are making the claim that one exists.
That is why this isn't as funny as it seems on the surface. Ties are problematic, in war and almost certainly in BG. Why force players to experience them when it isn't necessary?
Now to see how awful that ends up being. Hopefully not as niche as I expect, I’ll wait to give my final thoughts once I’ve faced it but it’s a little worrying initially.
1- Looks like Dragonfei beat me here, but yes, the Global Nodes do affect Friendly matches as well!
2- Global nodes will be applied to every Champion! But this is new, and with a new mode... it could change in the future.
3- This is a good point, and I will raise it to the team.
4- Rewards info just went up! Check out this post here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/313698/battlegrounds-rewards-revealed-solo-alliance-events-victory-track-gladiator-s-circuit-and-more#latest
Regarding point 1, was there any conversation about having friendly matches not follow the meta of the global? Or is this kind of a given and technically hard to have separate nodes for separate modes
Thank you again, appreciate the answers
Edit: Apologies @Kabam Miike for the question spam, but I just noticed something else.
The nodes remain the same in the Victory track for the whole season, 4 weeks. But each week there’s a new set of nodes for the Gladiator’s circuit. So which ones will affect the friendly mode?
So week 1 is Bulwark for both, Week 2 is Bulwark for victory track and Dodge for circuit. In Week 2 will the friendly matches be Bulwark or Dodge?
I only ask because I’m planning a tournament for my alliance and it would be great to know if the nodes stay the same throughout or change. Thanks again!
To remove the protection, you need to intercept. But with mighty charge being unstoppable, you cannot intercept?
Can't follow the logic.
300% of your base attack isn’t that much. For a rank 3 Hercules for example it’s around 10k damage. For Ghost (tends to be a great mighty charge counter) it’s the same, and we all know how easily she hits 10k.
You could use DOT champs, but mighty charge gets around that. So the best options are AAR champs, but Archangel is countered by mighty charge, lots of skill DAAR champs require debuffs to either get DAAR or to do damage. It seems a very niche combination. I’m interested to see how it works in practice.
My deck will be made up of attackers like Magneto, Falcon, Hood, Valkyrie (as a 5/65), Torch, longshot, Nimrod and just see how it works out.
We don't know which is a typo. The node or the description.