Reactivating in-game warning messages.

Recently after playing a quest, I got KO’d and wanted to restart the quest. As always, after hitting the red exit button, a warning message popped up that double checked if this really was my intention. Unfortunately however was a bit clumsy , my iPad slipped and before confirming also tapped the screen and checked the “Do not show me this warning ever again” box by mistake. Now there’s never this failsafe warning ever again and when I select “restart” or “end quest” it throws you out immediately.
This was never my intention. I don’t want to be in difficult content, having used tons of items or units and then be thrown out this easy by mistake. So my suggestion is to create an option in the game setting menu to recover these warning messages.
Already contacted Kabam support and they said, that after deactivating the warning message (by mistake), it is irrevocable and irreversible. Their suggestion was to leave a suggestion in this forum.
I’ve been playing this game since 2015 and in 7 years of time it’s bound to happen you press a wrong button once in a while. This shouldn’t have such a huge impact on your game, without having an option to do anything about it. Years back already disabled a warning message by mistake in arena. It really is annoying and frustrating not to be able to reset this simple thing.
Hope this reset option can be implemented as a quality of life feature in a future update. Would really appreciate it, probably lot of summoners with me.
This was never my intention. I don’t want to be in difficult content, having used tons of items or units and then be thrown out this easy by mistake. So my suggestion is to create an option in the game setting menu to recover these warning messages.
Already contacted Kabam support and they said, that after deactivating the warning message (by mistake), it is irrevocable and irreversible. Their suggestion was to leave a suggestion in this forum.
I’ve been playing this game since 2015 and in 7 years of time it’s bound to happen you press a wrong button once in a while. This shouldn’t have such a huge impact on your game, without having an option to do anything about it. Years back already disabled a warning message by mistake in arena. It really is annoying and frustrating not to be able to reset this simple thing.
Hope this reset option can be implemented as a quality of life feature in a future update. Would really appreciate it, probably lot of summoners with me.
If you don’t see this message you’ve already checked the box and disabled the message in the past.
So what I’m looking for is a way to reactive this “double check” warning message.
That’s a very intentional sequence of actions. If you did that by mistake, that’s a one in a thousand accident.
I very much doubt they’ll implement something to fix such an unlikely event.
When you play this game a lot, you tap the screen a lot to proceed. Occasionally you (almost) buy an offer that you don’t want by mistake, or do some other unintended action.
An other brilliant example with this new update that’s been out for a few days… Tell me, after this weeks update, when opening a crystal and trying to open an other one, how many times did you end up in your champion roster screen? Kabam changed buttons with this latest update and now the “back” button is replaced by “upgrade champions”. It obviously states it’s function, but a mistake can happen quickly.
So we need a failsafe. I don’t want to be in a situation where I’ve pissed away tons of resources like in the final boss of Abyss and get thrown out because of hitting the wrong button or holding my device in the wrong way.
Not the cache but the game data.
After doing so it will seem as a fresh install.. u will have to put your login info again.
All of the settings such as volume, music and stuff like that will reset
This really seems to be an in-game setting to turn something off, without option to turn it back on again.