Battlegrounds rewards feedback

Dear Kabam,
I would like to thank you for battlegrounds game mode. Probably most interesting game mode but... Why best rewards Will get that one, WHO Will spent most Units? Rewards Are absolutely demotivating to win. JUST spends Units And play hundreds of fights to ger best rewards....
Instead of giving best rewards based on win, u choose giving rewards to ppl WHO Will spent most of Units for items giving them points for solo And alliance rewards.
This Is very frustrating for ppl, WHO Aim for really strong accounts And battlegrounds were their Motivation to be best. I feel no Motivation to Have strong deck for battlegrounds, because very bad rewards. And I decided to write u, because everyone I know And WHO enjoyed BG before Feels IT same... U made arena 2.0 for Units Spenders...
Please change IT.
I would like to thank you for battlegrounds game mode. Probably most interesting game mode but... Why best rewards Will get that one, WHO Will spent most Units? Rewards Are absolutely demotivating to win. JUST spends Units And play hundreds of fights to ger best rewards....
Instead of giving best rewards based on win, u choose giving rewards to ppl WHO Will spent most of Units for items giving them points for solo And alliance rewards.
This Is very frustrating for ppl, WHO Aim for really strong accounts And battlegrounds were their Motivation to be best. I feel no Motivation to Have strong deck for battlegrounds, because very bad rewards. And I decided to write u, because everyone I know And WHO enjoyed BG before Feels IT same... U made arena 2.0 for Units Spenders...
Please change IT.
Go ahead and throw matches. Whatever. Hopefully those of us who actually compete will quickly not have to face tankers as we move up and you move down the board.
For a solo player mobile game - even if you’re in an alliance - you’re playing alone. And as the game bases much of its fundamentals on “progression” the best of mode of progression is to get resources and rank up. And you do that by and large by winning or completing a certain percentage.
The short version is that if people played this game for fun, and completely excluded the prospect of rewards, then everyone would be conqueror. Else, why push for paragon, TB, etc?
Ranked up a number of champions specially for BG that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise (Sersei, Man Thing, America Chavez as examples) and would not have if I had know winning matches wouldn’t even matter.
Would really appreciate Kabam if you heed this feedback , which is just intended to help make a really cool game mode you’ve created much better
At the moment, it’s pretty funny this “solo competitive mode” became a mini gifting event each month the way it is structured. This has just become an expensive game to upkeep within the top alliances with really no fun involved outside of alliance wars… but the time spent in that mode compared to AQ/arena and now battelgrounds is minimal.
Like I said kabam will keep it is as the first season to milk as much as they can and they will tone it down the following season, but there will most definitely be a p2w aspect of it it just won’t be scaled this badly. Ultimately if they listened to 99% of the posts on the forums they’d change it before it’s released Monday.
The real issue will be how much the elders marks cost.
Well it's understandable and I think it's not for me dudes.
Please let US know u atleast thinking about change. This Is really worst rewards system we can imagine... @Kabam Miike
I Understand Kabam needs profit from a new game mode, thats ok for me,but u Will loose profit from players spending money to make their account powerfull for this game mode, including me...(Motivation to spent to be best in BG in situation, where there Is no rewards for being best? Some extra shop tokens makes no difference )... Best rewards for playing-loosing as Fast As possible hundreds of matches instead of winning Is really bad idea... If u want players to not Grind Units in arena And spent time in BG instead And moneygrab, give at least no points for entering match And amount points for win based on ranking(lowest ranking win for 300 points, highest rankings 3000points fór.example).... Still this Is better solution than nothing, but u really should Aim rewards to winners.
Make the rewards for losing, HALF of what the “match completed” rewards currently are.
Make the points for winning TWICE what they currently are for “match completed”.
So technically grinding to the top will still be possible. But it won’t be efficient. And it shouldn’t be.
I’d also suggest, make the points doubled if they shut out their opponent, meaning they win two consecutive and therefore we have no third fight. You get double points. Also known as “double bubble”. This rewards skill.
Thank you.