EOP Reward wait time

I remember during the last EOP hearing that kabam was looking into allowing players to claim rewards after completion of the final week's quest rather than having to wait out the timer, anyone have any info on if that will be implemented for the current EOP run (Bargaining)?
I don't really get why they can't make it so you can cash out as soon as you are at the highest level you can be though. If they made it so that you can cash out as soon as you have done all objectives it would affect thronebreakers and those that are satisfied with lower milestones and intentionally left an objective incomplete. But then why not make it so that if the objectives you have left to claim can not get you to the next milestone, you are able to claim rewards now... That I don't know.
Either they didn't think of that (doubtful) or they don't want to spend the resources or have the tech to implement such a thing which on paper seems quite easy tbh. Implement a receive rewards button... if the player's current milestone + remaining objectives in the final week of EOP are not enough to reach the next milestone reward OR there is no next milestone reward then the button is available to be pressed and rewards are given out. Ofcourse that's simplified and not accounting other factors but who knows what's preventing something like that from being implemented in the game.
1. Some People would get confused and cash out too early. Then Kabam has to deal with people saying they didn’t understand and thinking they needed to claim rewards like regular milestones
2. Some Thronebreakers may cash out thinking they’re done and then go ahead and get paragon. Now they have an opportunity to gain more points, but they’ve already claimed rewards
3. Bugs, bugs, and more bugs
I’m in position to change my progression title this month. I need to do Cav EQ, 11 paths in act 7, and clear 8.1. If I can get it done before the finale, I could reach 20 points instead of 16 (1 extra point in week 4, 2 extra in the finale). Lots of people will be transitioning to paragon in the next three months. Just be patient.