AW Season Rankings Not in Correct Tiers!!

@Kabam Miike I’m hoping things get adjusted/corrected before season rewards come out. The Season rewards breakdown says Gold 2 is top 2500 alliances. My alliance is currently ranked in the 1800s after the last war of the season. However, we are listed as a Gold 3 alliance. If you say Gold 1 1000-1500 and Gold 2 is 1500-2500 then please let us receive the correct rewards. Thanks for looking into this.
Master Rank 1-3=3
Master 1&2=17
Platinum 1-4=780
Gold 1=200
Gold 2=500
Sitting down 315 spots in Gold 3=True Sons of Liberty.
All total from the top=1815
Season rewards Tier- Gold 2 top 2500 alliances
True Sons of Liberty- Gold 3 placement, not Gold 2.
I’m not wrong, they changed the tiers. I’m saying if you advertise the top 2500 is Gold 2, then let them be Gold 2.
If you are just counting by manually scrolling thru the entire list of every Plat/Gold/etc bracket to see what it counts down to, you will miss some.
Scrolling the larger size brackets (with like 500+ entries in them) may NOT show you the full set, it may stop well short of showing you the last alliance in that bracket.
Below is from Season 33 official post…
In game name:- BreakingStar