Arena refresh of champions

The arena champions’ refresh seems to be bugged.
Very often, when coming back to champions selection after a fight, the help for the recently used champions is already requested for some of the 3. Not a big deal and more useful than a problem.
Yesterday when coming back, one of the 3 6* (that I just used) was fully refreshed (that’s the first time I saw this).
Undesirable use of a very rare Hero Stamina (because I have one less) ???
And is it normal to see that, after hours, the help for 6* should be requested again?
Do other players experience such troubles?
Very often, when coming back to champions selection after a fight, the help for the recently used champions is already requested for some of the 3. Not a big deal and more useful than a problem.
Yesterday when coming back, one of the 3 6* (that I just used) was fully refreshed (that’s the first time I saw this).
Undesirable use of a very rare Hero Stamina (because I have one less) ???
And is it normal to see that, after hours, the help for 6* should be requested again?
Do other players experience such troubles?
As for why some are already asked again immediately after using them. (using 4* with 2 hour cooldown as example) This would happen if you use a champ initially, then come back at say 1 hr 50 minutes later. Their cooldown has been reduced by helps, so you can use them again. But since they are still short of their “original” cooldown time they will still be shown as already (still) having been asked for help after now using them again in arena.
If you come back a little bit later, that champ probably can then be asked for help again.