Who’s your best RoL AutoFight team?

I use Diablo (r4 sig 200) with the first four synergy champs with suicides turned on. Takes around 45 minutes to autofight and can more often than not go all 11 fights which was a little less often and longer at rank 3. A decent potion haul for passive playing. Anyone got a team that can autofight faster?
Unfortunately, as a Cav player, I have no access to a rank 4 or even rank 3 6* champ, so my best bet is a 5* R5 King Groot at sig 140.
Brian grant said in his video, that this works as well and in fact, I have manage to win against Winter Soldier once… But: Only once and even then no other fights…
Granted, my King Groot is only Sig 140 and I am working towards Sig 200… Also, I don’t have an immortal abomination for the synergy, but I am keeping my hopes up. Will try again, once KG is sig 200 and I have obtained an iAbom…
Any other tips for my setup?
(I have tried health synergies in the hopes of more healing, but KG’s healing doesn’t scale off of increased health pool)