Pacify not working correctly, found out during EoP Dragon Man

first post by me here, throne breaker, playing on Android. I have maxed Pacify so I wanted to kill off Dragon Man for the TB objectives with Magneto.
The armor break and thus degen still triggers quite often while using parry with Mags, even though my AAR should be at 100% and thus prevent it from triggering.
I just watched Sweadah's video of using parry like 80 times while not triggering the degen, while I can't get into 3 parrys without triggering it.
I ALWAYS wait for the Magnetize passive to appear. So its not that. Took pacify off - no change. Still feels exactly the same, degen triggers roughly 30% of the time for me after about 30 tries. I already saw some people on Discord having similar problems so I can't be alone with that bug.
Here is Sweadah's video on it
and here you have a video of Grendel Slayer with pacify where it is not working: Youtube link by Grendel Slayer
first post by me here, throne breaker, playing on Android. I have maxed Pacify so I wanted to kill off Dragon Man for the TB objectives with Magneto.
The armor break and thus degen still triggers quite often while using parry with Mags, even though my AAR should be at 100% and thus prevent it from triggering.
I just watched Sweadah's video of using parry like 80 times while not triggering the degen, while I can't get into 3 parrys without triggering it.
I ALWAYS wait for the Magnetize passive to appear. So its not that. Took pacify off - no change. Still feels exactly the same, degen triggers roughly 30% of the time for me after about 30 tries. I already saw some people on Discord having similar problems so I can't be alone with that bug.
Here is Sweadah's video on it
and here you have a video of Grendel Slayer with pacify where it is not working: Youtube link by Grendel Slayer
Playing on Android, using 6r2 unawakened red magneto, having 3 points in pacify mastery, waiting for magnetize before parry and still I get degen randomly as if no pacify was ever aplied. Most of the times I get degen on first or second parry, only a few times did I manage to make more than 3 parry without geting degen.
Android user.
Pacify 3/3 + I wait to make sure Magnetize is activated.
I get degen EVERY SINGLE TIME. I restarted the fight multiple times.
I wonder if there is something we are missing or is this a bug?
No matter how many tries I would do, I'd get degen almost 80% of the times.
Actually, I got the parry summer event objective this way, so there were LOTS of parries.
I had full recoil masteries on and thought for a sec that might be lowering my AA, but still this video shows no suicides on at all.
I turned them off and turned on full MD, so I might try w/Doom and got him down after some revives.
Still I went back to give it a try w/Magneto without recoil masteries, and now I only get degen like 1-2/10 times I try.
There's definitely something I haven't read or else, they just be milking units away from us.
Playing MCOC w/so many bugs nowadays makes me wanna quit playing for a while.
Worst part is nobody answer what's going on and how they're gonna fix it.
It just feels this kind of bugs had been made on purpose, so we must spend units on EoP, BGs and act 8.1 ngl.