8.1 Feedback & My Boss Counters

I just explored all 8.1 and I must say I loved it, probably never had so much fun before any Act based content ever. Whoever designed, participated to create 8.1 thank them for me, especially whoever designed Scytalis, she is the best designed champion ever, can't wait to see Hulk version.
I won't break up each path map by map but I would love to help you guys all for bosses so here you go ( you may not have champions I recommend so feel free to ask.) ;
Stryfe -> I took him only once and used Agent Venom team and finished with Sunspot. Human Torch and Sunspot are best options.
Red Skull -> I took him as easy boss 5 times with CGR. You need to throw your SP2 after 5th judgement when he is power locked. Fury and Moleman are great options too. Just parry and bleed to deal poison. I heard also diablo is melting him.
Hood -> I took him in completion with full Ghost team. I actually don't remember anything lol.
She Hulk -> When you knock her down she becomes unstoppable, if you intercept her you gain unstoppable and she gets slowed. Since intercepting is key here you can go Ghost, Herc or Mole Man. I only used Mole Man and he destroyed her every time. First you go parry,heavy then you stay in block and let her trigger your unstoppable, the second she trigger you hit her and it will be an intercept. She is slowed and you are unstoppable, repeat the process and enjoy the fight.
BPCW -> WMags pre fight is really helpful here, I used Hercules but he has %90 physical resistance Hercs burst damage are quite low but he did soloed him. You can also go for Falcon , Fury basically anyone metal or hero.
War Machine -> I soloed her with Ghost and Herc. The only thing you need to do is block his specials and get 3+ debuffs on you before throwing any big damage ( sp2-sp3 ). Both herc and ghost hit really big red numbers with Sp2.
Sinister -> Warlock and Torch are best options but I saw people using Omega Sentinel too. I only used Warlock so only can talk about that fight. Sinister has +800k health pool and even with 6* R3 Warlock this fight will take a little bit time but not too much. He is a great counter.
Diablo -> For completion I chosed him and used Ghost, absolutely crashed him but when I explore it I also tried Doom for him and he worked really well too. I tried to use Torch too but that fight is a bit tricky, you need to hit a special attack first to make him unstoppable and parry ML combo to increase your flame charges and damage, don't throw heavy so he will stay unstoppable rest of the fight but things can get messy.
Psycho Man -> I used Hercules, Magneto and Nick Fury for him. All worked well. Magneto is the easiest option. Herc and Fury is a bit thricky. For Hercules you need to throw parry-heavy or punish his heavy with your heavy to reach SP1, after that you have true sense and he lose his auto-block. For NF fight you need to parry-heavy again to reach SP1 after that throw it and let PM kill you to second life, hit 2 SP1 back to back and you are unblockable, enjoy the fight.
Corvus -> I took him 5 times with Rintrah, this fight is really fun with him but you can use Doom too.
Maw -> I took Maw with Tigra but Herc and Torch are great options too.
Proxima -> I took her in completion with full Ghost team, it was really easy. Colossus and Warlock are really good options too.
Wasp -> I took her in completion with full Ghost team, when I swapped champions I took Mr.Fantastic in to inflict 3 debuffs on her, after that I parried 3 times and throw specials back to back with %200 tech boosts.
Hercules -> I couldn't solo with Kitty but Herc took down the rest. I actually have no idea who else to bring for him.
DDHK -> You either need someone has prowess buffs with white mags or just someone with prowess buffs who deals passive stun when their stun is removed. Bishop,Storm and StormX are best options imo but you can bring Apoco,Havok,Sunspot etc. with white mags(apoco doesn't need it).
Scytalis -> For %100-%95 Herc is the greatest option imo. CGR melts her too. But for %5 and below you would have easier time with someone who has continues prowess effects like Havok,Kitty, Bishop. Below %5 each special hit removes 1 prowess from you and reduces her armor reduction by %10 so you can deal more and more damage.
I won't break up each path map by map but I would love to help you guys all for bosses so here you go ( you may not have champions I recommend so feel free to ask.) ;
Stryfe -> I took him only once and used Agent Venom team and finished with Sunspot. Human Torch and Sunspot are best options.
Red Skull -> I took him as easy boss 5 times with CGR. You need to throw your SP2 after 5th judgement when he is power locked. Fury and Moleman are great options too. Just parry and bleed to deal poison. I heard also diablo is melting him.
Hood -> I took him in completion with full Ghost team. I actually don't remember anything lol.
She Hulk -> When you knock her down she becomes unstoppable, if you intercept her you gain unstoppable and she gets slowed. Since intercepting is key here you can go Ghost, Herc or Mole Man. I only used Mole Man and he destroyed her every time. First you go parry,heavy then you stay in block and let her trigger your unstoppable, the second she trigger you hit her and it will be an intercept. She is slowed and you are unstoppable, repeat the process and enjoy the fight.
BPCW -> WMags pre fight is really helpful here, I used Hercules but he has %90 physical resistance Hercs burst damage are quite low but he did soloed him. You can also go for Falcon , Fury basically anyone metal or hero.
War Machine -> I soloed her with Ghost and Herc. The only thing you need to do is block his specials and get 3+ debuffs on you before throwing any big damage ( sp2-sp3 ). Both herc and ghost hit really big red numbers with Sp2.
Sinister -> Warlock and Torch are best options but I saw people using Omega Sentinel too. I only used Warlock so only can talk about that fight. Sinister has +800k health pool and even with 6* R3 Warlock this fight will take a little bit time but not too much. He is a great counter.
Diablo -> For completion I chosed him and used Ghost, absolutely crashed him but when I explore it I also tried Doom for him and he worked really well too. I tried to use Torch too but that fight is a bit tricky, you need to hit a special attack first to make him unstoppable and parry ML combo to increase your flame charges and damage, don't throw heavy so he will stay unstoppable rest of the fight but things can get messy.
Psycho Man -> I used Hercules, Magneto and Nick Fury for him. All worked well. Magneto is the easiest option. Herc and Fury is a bit thricky. For Hercules you need to throw parry-heavy or punish his heavy with your heavy to reach SP1, after that you have true sense and he lose his auto-block. For NF fight you need to parry-heavy again to reach SP1 after that throw it and let PM kill you to second life, hit 2 SP1 back to back and you are unblockable, enjoy the fight.
Corvus -> I took him 5 times with Rintrah, this fight is really fun with him but you can use Doom too.
Maw -> I took Maw with Tigra but Herc and Torch are great options too.
Proxima -> I took her in completion with full Ghost team, it was really easy. Colossus and Warlock are really good options too.
Wasp -> I took her in completion with full Ghost team, when I swapped champions I took Mr.Fantastic in to inflict 3 debuffs on her, after that I parried 3 times and throw specials back to back with %200 tech boosts.
Hercules -> I couldn't solo with Kitty but Herc took down the rest. I actually have no idea who else to bring for him.
DDHK -> You either need someone has prowess buffs with white mags or just someone with prowess buffs who deals passive stun when their stun is removed. Bishop,Storm and StormX are best options imo but you can bring Apoco,Havok,Sunspot etc. with white mags(apoco doesn't need it).
Scytalis -> For %100-%95 Herc is the greatest option imo. CGR melts her too. But for %5 and below you would have easier time with someone who has continues prowess effects like Havok,Kitty, Bishop. Below %5 each special hit removes 1 prowess from you and reduces her armor reduction by %10 so you can deal more and more damage.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
I used him but he didn't work that well
Kept taking the reverb damage even after having tons of debuffs from Sp1
He built so many armors that om nom couldn't keep up
Any tips for the aspect of war path in 8.1.4?
The trick is to block as little as possible. So play him as if he was unblockable, expect for his sp1. Then dex out of his sp1 so you can counter it.
Also, will power helps a lot if you don’t have that.
Hope this helps