No trap in 8.1.6 boss fight

Lutheran86Lutheran86 Member Posts: 25
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
I hope you will give compensation, Kabam, I just did the intial clear of 8.1 and there's no visible trap in the 8.1.6 boss fight. I had to guess and it cost me 6-700 units. It's beyond frustrating as I couldn't see my attacker (Kitty) phase either. There's enough problems without trying to fumble in the dark in an unknown boss fight. Please don't pass this by, make it right. I have video footage too just tell me where to send it.

@Kabam Miike
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • DwightrowleyDwightrowley Member Posts: 24
    I had the same experience, give or take a team revive or three. Nothing more anti-climatic than to have the only means of defeating the boss be invisible for some players. What’s the point of beta testing if you’re gonna roll that out.
  • There are several existing threads on this subject in Bugs & Known Issues, so I will close this thread to reduce forum clutter. Any further discussion on this subject can be taken there.
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