How much did you spend on Scytalys?

Yea so I am about to face her soon, but decided to grab couple more pots and revs, so I wonder how much did you spend on her? Ofc rosters are different, so it might be helpful if you also shared what your roster looks like
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance

My team was 5 star max apoc, kitty, iceman, 6 star r3 wags, and r2 cable
5* Apoc R5
6* Apoc R2
6* Herc R4 (not very ramped up)
I ended up being able to take her down to the final 5% with those champs
The final 5% cost me like 4 20% revives because I didn't fully understand it and even when I did it's by far the slowest most annoying part of the fight
And make sure to make a mental note of where on the map she is after finishing a special because that's where a trap will be placed and they're currently bugged and not visible
I used the background to keep track of this (how close she was to a bunch of crates for instance
My second run was way worse. I think I used five or six team revives and an embarrassing amount of ordinary revives (most of them at the end). Unlike previously, I didn't have a way to shut down the node I had activated (she reflects stuns unless she's armor-broken).
All of this said, I highly suggest you wait until the bug where her traps are invisible is fixed. It makes the fight infinitely harder since you're supposed to slam her into her own traps. If you can't see them, you have to guess and, well...sigh. It was mostly that that screwed me over on my second attempt. When I could parry her easily, it didn't matter too much that I didn't see the traps since I could just heavy her forward and eventually she'd land in one. However, when that strategy failed, I found it much more difficult to just guess where those traps were, and I usually only had one special attack to attempt to throw her backward with instead of more or less infinite heavy attacks.
Second phase I messed up a couple of times. In the first phase I was lucky to heavy/special her right into her trap.
Second phase I missed the trap about 12 times. As soon as I started thinking instead of mashing buttons I got her down without any additional revives.
If you read her abilities you should be good with maybe 1 or 2 team revives if you have some decent champs on your team.
I took in 6*r4 Herc, iHulk, Omega Sentinel, Ultron and 6*r3 Nimrod.
3-4 20% revives in entire 8.1 exploration
No health pots used
Even tho some time there really is some bs happening with these traps...