Battlegrounds loss with no rounds lost

I recently encountered an issue in Battlegrounds where after completing round 1, I was informed that I lost the entire match without even getting to see who won round 1. It shows on my history as no rounds being won or lost but I still lost. I didn't notice any lag or connection issues.

After this happened, it showed me the results of the previous match that I lost. Then on checking my history, the match that I just played showed up but with no results of the rounds. I've attached screenshots to try to illustrate this issue.

Phone make/model: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G
OS: Android 12
App version: 36.2.1
Date/Time: 2022-Sep-29 23:42 GMT

If anyone else has experienced this problem please add it in the comments or if it has already been reported, merge this one with previous. Thanks, hope this gets fixed if it's a recurring issue.
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