5 stars have synergies removed from them????

Hitman565Hitman565 Member Posts: 27
5 star and 6 stars used to have all the synergies unlocked and available, which weren't always available to lower rarities of champions. I went in game and happened to notice that some of my 5 stars no longer had some synergies available anymore, though they were still available for the 6 star version. For example, I distinctly remember using the Wolverine synergy for my 5* Kitty in ROL a few months ago, but now I can't use it anymore. However, I see that the 6* rarity still has the synergy. Someone please tell me if Kabam had talked about this, or if this is a silent nerf to all 5 stars?


  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    5* kitty never had the wolverine synergy. It was a point of contention when she came out. So you’re misremembering using the synergy with the 5*
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