Your first 7 Star Champion!

You know your luck, you've opened plenty crystals by now.
So come one and all, make your predictions here.
Who will be your first 7 Star champ?
So come one and all, make your predictions here.
Who will be your first 7 Star champ?
1st 6* Drax
1st 7* Drax
Iron Patriot
Superior Iron Man
Kamala Khan
(first 4* and 6* were Black Bolt—so may very well be skipping that thread)
1st 4* Storm
1st 5* Storm.
1st 6* Storm.
U know where I'm going right?
Some of them are better now than they were at the time, but a pretty bad group overall. My first was Angela. She was also my first dupe and first double dupe (and her sig was one of the most useless in the game at the time). I expect the initial pool of 7*s will be mostly garbage. Assuming that to be the case, I may wait to open one until decent champs are added. That way my disappointment when I do pull the inevitable 7* Groot will be maximized.
4* - Rocket
5* - King Groot
6* - Groot
For my 7*, I’ll go with OML. Someone ok, not awful, but not very good.
1st 6* = Black Widow Deadly Origin
1st 7* = Nebula
On my all accounts he was my first 5 star •́ ‿ ,•̀
OG Spidey
He was my one of first 6 stars in each account within 3 pulls ಥ‿ಥ
Iron fist
My first 6star on my main account when acquiring 5 stars were hard, then he was my 3rd pull on my second, 2nd pull on my current ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ