Quicksilver Rebalance
I think Quicksilver is a strong and pretty well balanced champ that takes A LOT of skill to use. QS is probably one of the most stressful champs to use in the game right now if you want to do more than just placing a slow and dealing damage. I think there’s a few tweaks that could make him more enjoyable for players.
1. When dexing/evading an attack QS can reset up to a max of 3 wither debuffs. (Notice how I didn’t say in terminal velocity, so much of his utility requires high momentum so this could be something more immediate and not even all that great for unawoken QS’s)
2. If QS evades out of a stun or a forward dash let him phase or go in visible for a few seconds. (Again nothing game breaking, just makes it easier for the user to properly follow up on an evade and it gives the AI a little more firepower) this would also provide a slight reprieve from debuffs since damage shrug off was an expectation for QS I think it’s reasonable to give us a situational boost.
3. Replace the benefit from the Wiccan synergies Degen with the ability to retain 200-300 momentum after losing terminal velocity. QS almost never faces Degen from the mystic class and the synergy doesn’t work for direct damage. An alternative answer would be to allow it to work on direct damage. After all you have to build up momentum to use it meaning that it’s not a consistently viable counter. We would still be getting roasted by most nodes in the game. QS could theoretically “Out run” the nodes a little longer than everyone else IF you made that change.
1. When dexing/evading an attack QS can reset up to a max of 3 wither debuffs. (Notice how I didn’t say in terminal velocity, so much of his utility requires high momentum so this could be something more immediate and not even all that great for unawoken QS’s)
2. If QS evades out of a stun or a forward dash let him phase or go in visible for a few seconds. (Again nothing game breaking, just makes it easier for the user to properly follow up on an evade and it gives the AI a little more firepower) this would also provide a slight reprieve from debuffs since damage shrug off was an expectation for QS I think it’s reasonable to give us a situational boost.
3. Replace the benefit from the Wiccan synergies Degen with the ability to retain 200-300 momentum after losing terminal velocity. QS almost never faces Degen from the mystic class and the synergy doesn’t work for direct damage. An alternative answer would be to allow it to work on direct damage. After all you have to build up momentum to use it meaning that it’s not a consistently viable counter. We would still be getting roasted by most nodes in the game. QS could theoretically “Out run” the nodes a little longer than everyone else IF you made that change.