EOP modok on speed

If I’m consistently intercepting he throws a heavy attack out of no where. I’m not even in reach but he throws a heavy anyways, also the quickest heavy I’ve ever seen. No loading time just straight into heavy. He can hit me with a light attack even tho I’m a mile away from him or if I dex his medium attack he’ll throw a light attack and hit me. He will throw an sp1 the very nanosecond I trigger his auto block. It’s just ridiculous. I can even dex his medium to where it says “dexterity” on the left side of my screen but I still get hit by his medium attack. This is the first EOP where I won’t be completing the final week because I refuse to use revives on the very first fight.
Don’t give up mate.
Mags completely shuts him down, u can play normal
He was also useful against Dragonman and Peni, so he was the MVP in this
I brought Herc R3 undupped, Mags R2 and Mags R5 lol