How Much Gold Can You Earn in a Month?

Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
I was inspired (or maybe triggered is a better word) by another post earlier this week where the OP stated, in part, that they earn 2.5 - 4 million gold. So, I took it upon myself to figure out if that amount of gold was reasonable. I am by no means an expert, so feel free to jump in with corrections or additions.

AQ – A small amount of gold in the Glory store. The price starts at 40 Glory for one Golden Crystal (3,200 minimum gold, so I’ll call that roughly 5k gold on average). So that’s ~50k a week if you bought all 10 Golden Crystals for 625 Glory. I’ll call it 0 because I don't think most people buy these, but it could easily be roughly 200k a month.

AW – A small amount of gold in the participation rewards each war (roughly 5k – 10k) and 115k in the monthly solo milestones. I’ll call this roughly $200k if you do every war.

Monthly EQ – I think it’s 31 paths in each difficulty. And it looks like 10k per path in Master and Uncollected, then 40k per path in Cavalier? And then it looks like gold doesn’t always show up on the path. Sometimes if there is ISO and a heal potion, the gold isn’t there (somebody might have to correct me on this), so I’ll call it 90% of the paths have gold. That means: 280k each for Master and Uncollected, then 1.12 million for Cavalier.

Monthly Side quest – This seems to vary quite a bit, not even sure where to start here.

Incursions – The new Incursion seem to give a fair bit. If you complete 4 milestones at Tier 1, that’s 340k. And you should be able to do that 3 times a month since we can each enter 3 different Sectors now. That’s 1 million a month. Then there is the Alliance Event every 5 days that gives out 25k per milestone. I have no idea what’s reasonable there, but if we assume an average of 2 milestones every 5 days, that’s another 300k gold for the month. So, Incursions could be 1.3 million in total. That’s very rough, though.

Selling Basic ISO – This also varies quite a bit and I know a lot of people don’t do this, but I wanted to show it anyway. I sold 7 days worth of basic ISO for ~350k gold, but that seemed like a lot, so then I did 6 more days and only got 142k. So, I’ll call it 150k per week, or 600k per month. That’s another very rough estimate.

Sigil – 150k each week for the Golden Circle and then roughly another 150k each week for the 6 Uncollected Golden Crystals (19.5k minimum, so I’ll call then ~25k on average) in the Test of the Thronebreaker milestones. So that’s roughly 1.2 million gold per month.

22hr Solo Objectives – All 5 milestones give you a total of 30k gold, 3 Golden Crystals and 2 Uncollected Golden Crystals. So that’s ~95k per day. But it’s probably not reasonable to complete all milestones each day (especially the Event Completion one), so let’s call it 1.4 million per month (95k x 15 days) and that might be on the low end (it’s pretty easy to complete the Hero Use and Level Up each time).

7hr Solo Objectives – 9k in the first 3 milestones and 2 Uncollected Golden Crystals in the 4th milestone. I have no idea how many of these objectives most people would do in a month. I personally don’t pay much attention to these, so I mostly just complete a few milestones by accident every day. I’ll call this ~9k a day or 270k per month. But if you take these very seriously and complete 2 of them all the way to the end each day, that’s ~118k or 3.5 million a month. Geez.

Arenas – I am not an arena grinder, so I have no idea how much is reasonable. But if you just complete the milestones that have gold in them, that works out to 120k each cycle (6 milestones in The Summoner Trials for 51k, 3 milestones in Basic Arena for 31k, and 3 milestones in Features Arena for 38k). So that’s ~960k each month, NOT INCLUDING gold from Battlechips.
NOTE: The numbers I used for Sigil and solo objectives are for Thronebreaker and above.

Miscellaneous Alliance Events – I’m going to ignore these because they seem pretty negligible.

TOTAL = 200k (AW) + 280k (Master EQ) + 280k (Uncollected EQ) + 1.12M (Cav EQ) + 1.3M (Incursions) + 600k (Selling Basic ISO) + 1.2M (Sigil) + 1.4M (22hr Objectives) + 270 (7hr Objectives) = 6.65 million Gold

That’s A LOT more than 2.5 – 4 million.

I also left Arena out because I don’t really do them, but if you do Arenas and don’t buy the Sigil, these numbers would be similar. I also left out the monthly Side Quest, because it varies so much. And I didn’t even touch special events like Story Content, EOP, Variants (RIP) or the Gauntlet.

Some Random Insights:
AW and AQ give very little gold. So, people in high-level alliances are getting more crystals shards and catalysts that your “average” player, but they aren’t getting any more gold at all. In fact, you could say they are getting less gold since they have to buy AQ tickets and that is done with gold a lot of the time. I don’t think I fully appreciated this before.

I didn’t realize there was so much gold in Cavalier EQ. I wonder if it’s always been like that.

I didn’t realize how much gold there was in the solo objectives each day. This can make a huge difference between people that are struggling with gold and people that have a huge excess each month. It’s probably a way more effective use of your time to grind these objectives than it is to grind arenas if you are short on gold.

This all left me wondering how much gold I spend each month on rank-ups. I think that mostly depends on how many catalysts I earn. I’ll have to leave that for another day.

Let me know what I screwed up. Cheers!

AQ = ~0
AW = ~200k
Master EQ = ~280k
Uncollected EQ = ~280k
Cav EQ= ~1.12M
Incursions = ~1.3M
Selling Basic ISO = ~600k
Sigil = ~1.2M
22hr Objectives = ~1.4M
7hr Objectives = ~270k (but could be 10x this much if you really grind)

TOTAL = ~6.65M

I left Arenas out because I don’t really do them, but you could easily sub that in for the Sigil and it would be roughly the same. I also left out the monthly side quest and a few other things.


  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 780 ★★★
    What about selling **** you don't need? T3 class? I sit on a ton of the shard and full crystals. I open for SA points and sell them. Do you sit on a ton of hero crystal shards? Why not open a bunch and sell the class iso?

    When you get to a certain point where you're 1-3's are all maxed and your 4's are all at 3-30 and up, hoarding crystal shards doesn't make a lot of sense if you're in a gold shortage.

    Wait for advancement events and open some PC's, 3 & 4* crystals. Get points for the solo event and iso to sell. Keep a 3-4 4*s at the ready in the dual class crystals if you're ever hurting for class iso and need to rank someone.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    All this calculation is well and good but I can tell you the best source of gold is still arena.

    You could earn a lot of gold from there, but the issue is , ranking up a 6* champ offsets all that really fast.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I don't know how much gold I get in a month, but after hitting every level up event to at least the units and often the final milestone and beyond (ranking only 6*s) and purchasing 150 AQ tickets or whatever it is for map 8, my gold stays roughly even with net gains over time when we have side quests/events which give more gold. I generally 100% the Cav quest and do a completion run in the other difficulties. I hit some and occasionally all milestones in one arena. I run as much of the side quest as seems reasonable. I play War and AQ. I don't have astronomical amounts of gold like arena grinders, but my gold was in the forty millions for a long time, then the fifty millions, and now it's up to 69 million. I really believe that the "gold shortage" has more to do with gold usage than it does lack of available gold.
  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    So, it looks like I missed at least 2 things:

    1. AQ actually does give gold if you run Map 6 or lower. It’s in the completion rewards. 6.5k and 2,225 Battlechips for Map 5, then 7k for Map 6. So that’s just under 400k gold per month for AQ if you run those maps.

    2. The monthly log-in calendar gives a fair bit of gold. If you are Paragon, it gives 62k plus 24 Uncollected Golden Crystals. So that’s roughly 660k total from the log-in calendar. Not sure what it would be for Cavalier and below.

    So you could easily add another 1M gold per month to the totals above.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    So just for fun I decided to try to estimate the total amount of gold I've acquired through any means in the game. Primarily, by adding the gold I have to the gold I estimate would have been required to level up and rank up my current roster. Dividing by the number of months I've played the game, I get 11.2 million.

    So, averaged across my entire time playing the game, that's how much gold I've averaged gaining per month.
  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    So just for fun I decided to try to estimate the total amount of gold I've acquired through any means in the game. Primarily, by adding the gold I have to the gold I estimate would have been required to level up and rank up my current roster. Dividing by the number of months I've played the game, I get 11.2 million.

    So, averaged across my entire time playing the game, that's how much gold I've averaged gaining per month.

    That’s an interesting data point. And it seems reasonable, considering my numbers above don’t include side quests, arena grinding or permanent/special content. But I would also guess that 11 million per month is probably on the higher end for people in this game.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    Why would someone do so much content just for gold. I personally would say general questing is slow but best and most fun way of gathering gold. 1k to 3k gold per fight is good as well as fun with some cheese nodes.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    Plus if we consider how much gold we require for ranking up champs for aq aw and bg, it's a trade of loss
  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Why would someone do so much content just for gold. I personally would say general questing is slow but best and most fun way of gathering gold. 1k to 3k gold per fight is good as well as fun with some cheese nodes.

    Lol, it’s not “just for gold.” In most of that content I listed, I would say gold is an afterthought compared to the catalyst, shards and/or units you earn.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    Ken1378 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    So just for fun I decided to try to estimate the total amount of gold I've acquired through any means in the game. Primarily, by adding the gold I have to the gold I estimate would have been required to level up and rank up my current roster. Dividing by the number of months I've played the game, I get 11.2 million.

    So, averaged across my entire time playing the game, that's how much gold I've averaged gaining per month.

    That’s an interesting data point. And it seems reasonable, considering my numbers above don’t include side quests, arena grinding or permanent/special content. But I would also guess that 11 million per month is probably on the higher end for people in this game.
    Outside of whaling out on champion crystals (which, while I do spend, not on that) this would be at the higher end of what a very active player could expect to generate. There are players far more active grinding arena than I am, and if my activity level was as high as those upper grinding limits consistently I could probably have generated as much as 50% more gold. But that requires extremely high levels of grinding.

    Whaling out on champion crystals specifically (Cavs, for example) generates huge gold returns in the long run, by virtue of generating tons of ISO. It is well within the bounds of such a spender to have generated several time more gold than I have. But my suspicion is there's no way outside of spending a lot for any level of playing activity to consistently exceed maybe 20-25 million gold a month. Maybe 2.5 billion gold lifetime.
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