Best content in October 2022

MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
With a reworked incrusion and new a new mode Battle Grounds being permanently added what is the best content overall? This counts for rewards, overall fun, and difficulty

Best content in October 2022 117 votes

Story Quests [Book 1 and 2]
Hort4zuffyMhd20034Cap366BowTieJohnXva23StantonaLordSmasherHera1d_of_Ga1actusWhoDaPooMotorjamBerjibsJ0eySn0wxLunatiXxAomine_Daiki10GardoshYsFUnkownDOVhoundogακιJragonMaster170 38 votes
Monthly quests
Spurgeon14 1 vote
Event Quests
Beurky38Yogesh_123 2 votes
RoL, LoL, AoL
Eternity of Pain
OwGssHeraldofNoneMqc19ThunderGodRickGrimes_King73WeeaeaBabyMiikeCharlie21540The_man001TribalChief 10 votes
Battle Grounds
BitterSteelJohnyzeroGarlotusharNairAleorRockyshockyRockypantherxMobile_P0tat0KnordyCap_Brandonkubricknolandump_monkeyMauledArifuteraFiiNCHrivetRenaxqqTheBair123PupkacRiptide 29 votes
91KiXGogeta91199MaxGamingWu_Bangerz23Denslo500SunRiceThiartcFlashingfistO_Deadpool_OSpagNidusEtherionGodSkydad23H3t3rNoob_Master69TrubluMateTheExit27TheNickster20Xguard77RonSwansonGiuliameij 32 votes
Alliance War
danielmathHiwoeRealWizardFire_3Vijay_33 5 votes
Alliance Quest


  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Battle Grounds
    With incursions as a close second place
  • DiplodocusDiplodocus Member Posts: 234 ★★★
    Battle Grounds
    I change my vote to EOP, saw it later.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,228 ★★★★★
    Battle Grounds

    With incursions as a close second place

    Exactly my thoughts
  • CederCeder Member Posts: 668 ★★★
    Story Quests [Book 1 and 2]
    Act 8 was best, Battlegrounds might've been if it wasn't so bugged
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Battle Grounds
    I'd say eop is better, but with objectives with kree I just can't place it at the top.
    Same with incursions, some node combinations are just ridiculous and even impossible. Also definitely not as fun as bgs. And bgs may be the most skill reliant mode, you just can't win it with units, only can get get a huge handicap
  • EtherionGodEtherionGod Member Posts: 270 ★★
    Definitely Story but I'm enjoying being able to run Solo incursions
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    Story Quests [Book 1 and 2]
    I just got my rewards

  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Story Quests [Book 1 and 2]
    I love story content alot I get to use most of champs with different diversity.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Battle Grounds

    The fact that 12 people voted for battlegrounds which is loaded with cheaters is ridiculous.

    Story mode is still the best, not even close.

    It’s a fair point, it is annoying, but I can definitely look past the cheaters personally and just focus on doing as well as I can. The strategy and high pressure gameplay is what I like, it’s basically war but way more fun and less potions

    The rewards for it are now insane, if you’re relatively active and play it and rank decently it is by no means hard to get enough tokens to fully Sig 200 a champion in one season. That is game changing. I personally have bought about 100 sigs this season, 30k shards, tons of T5B, and some R4 mats. And I still have 10k tokens left over for next season.

    And even if you can’t get the 72k to sig 200 someone due to alliance not playing hard, or not ranking high in Glad Circuit victory track alone gets 45k, which is enough for 125 sigs. Plus 10k for the lowest rank in Glad circuit (8501+) is another 27, so 152 sigs just for doing victory track.

    Also another factor is friendly mode, where you (hopefully) shouldn’t have any cheaters there. I’ve been involved in a couple of tournaments so far, one for my alliance’s family (a few from each alliance entered and battled out), and one that I’ve been running for my own alliance.

    Friendly mode is awesome, because it’s something you can just eternally run when there’s not much going on in game. You can practice new champions you’ve pulled and ranked, you can have a laugh with mates.

    Personally, I feel that yes, cheaters are annoying, and it’s definitely a morale drop when you face one, but overall I can enjoy the game mode for what it is. (Not that everyone should, this is definitely my own opinion - if cheaters ruin it for you that’s fair). To me, battlegrounds is the number one addition to the game Kabam have ever done, in both content and rewards, I know that’s not everyone’s view, but I love it and cannot wait for the next season.
  • Marostrange2005Marostrange2005 Member Posts: 423 ★★★
    Story Quests [Book 1 and 2]
    story... i started act 7 and finsihed completed also i finished act 8.1 and now exploring it
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,695 ★★★★★
    Battle Grounds

    The fact that 12 people voted for battlegrounds which is loaded with cheaters is ridiculous.

    Story mode is still the best, not even close.

    I didn’t spend a single unit or energy refil on BG’s this season. Across all rewards (season rewards and through the store) I ended up with approx. 100k 6* shards, rank 4 materials, full t5CC’s, and a ton of 6* sig stones.

    Throw in the fact the mode itself is fun (yes modders aside), the input vs reward ratio is far and away the best in the game.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★★
    edited October 2022
    Story Quests [Book 1 and 2]
    The game is at a very good place right now with the new changes and untroductions we've seen. Many people are concern about relics and 7stars for sincere reasons but that's a problem for tomorrow that may not be as bad as people make it to seem.

    It's tough to choose the best content atm 😀. Between Story mode, Battlegrounds and Incursions for me. If I'd have to rate them:
    Story Mode: 9/10.
    Battelgrounds: 8.8/10
    Incursions: 8.5/10
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,553 ★★★★★
    Solo mode ftw
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