Magneto reduces attack rating of #metal tech champs

There's a bug with Magneto's ability to remove the opponent's class advantage attack bonus. Instead of just removing it, he gives the opponent an attack penalty.
Medium without magnetised and class advantage

Medium with magnetised but without class advantage

Medium without magnetised but with class advantage

Medium with magnetised and class advantage

Medium without magnetised and class advantage

Medium with magnetised but without class advantage

Medium without magnetised but with class advantage

Medium with magnetised and class advantage

The Dragonman pictures are absolutely pointless, but OP is correct in pointing this out. Magnetism or not, Ghost’s damage should not have changed. Magneto undoes class advantage from the get go whether the champ would be magnetized or not. Ghost shouldn’t have hit harder prior to magnetism. I also have to question why someone would use those 2 champs against Mags, but I will assume the bug was caught elsewhere and this is an attempt at recreation.
His ignoring class disadvantage is dependant on his opponent being metal
Nimrod gets increased attack rating per armour up in blitz protocol and yet I'm doing less damage against Magneto than I am against Star Lord even though I have way more armor ups. This has to be because Magneto has an attack penalty associated with his magnetised ability.
Class advantage gives +40%
Against starlord that's +60%
Against Magneto that would be +100% from the armours then an additional +40% because of class advantage for a total of +140 but because Magneto removes the bonus from having class advantage will get reduced back down to +100%.
+100% > +60% yet I'm doing less damage against Magneto than I am vs Star lord
(Sorry quoted wrong message)
Admittedly, the first screenshots were poor in trying to explain the issue
Nimrod is immune to ability accuracy reduction of mutants. Never use a Mutant against Nimrod even Mags.
Both champs have the same armour rating and energy resistance.