Solo Event Buff Needed

Personally i feel like the solo events and alliance events are severely out dated, but more specifically solo events. I feel that the level of rewards provided by this need to increase as i am thronebreaker and getting “uncollected” gold crystals and i think that these are especially outrageous in that they’re for uncollected players! Do we not think it is about time for a few tweaks and changes to make the rewards a bit more worthwhile? Im not asking for piles and piles of rewards and shards but just making these rewards a bit more appealing than tier 3 catalyst crystals and shards for these crystals that just give arena boosts which probably also need adjustments or new ones introducing.
150 5* shards and 500 4* just don’t have the same value anymore in alliance events. The only thing I really do them for are the occasional 25 units and energy refill.
Solo events are a bit better, in terms of the 22H ones that reward units/revs/pots, but the smaller ones aren’t useful for anything anymore.
Easy fixes would be updating the type of shards, sig stones and potions given based on Progression and at least quadruple the amount of gold given from all milestones.
Changes like that can encourage people to play.